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Annoying things that car drivers do!

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Taking the "racing line" on roundabouts, going over into someone else's lane.


Then taking the 'racing line' on the exit as well, which on some roundabout can lead to them encroaching on your lane twice while simply driving over a roundabout.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 11:02 ----------


Also Taxi drivers, just everything.


They're much worse in Leeds tho from what I've seen.


Not indicating

Cutting across lanes to take an exit mere meters ahead (without indicating)

Cutting drivers up, then ambling along at barely 20 mph

Stopping randomly in the road to drop someone off, then when they've stopped they put indicators on.

Dropping/picking people up form a bus stop - when there's a bus right behind them wanting to use it.

Cutting people up at traffic lights as they are in the wrong lane.

Driving cars in such a poor condition you can see whats wrong from 20 feet away.

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Taking the "racing line" on roundabouts, going over into someone else's lane.


Its only someone elses lane if somene is in it. I often take the racing line on larger roundabouts if they are clear of traffic and its safe to do so. I also use all of the road (both sides) again when safe to do so.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 11:05 ----------


Annoying things that we car drivers do, that we can stop doing and reduce road rage!


1st on the list:


Drivers parked up on the wrong side of the road with there headlights still on.

Im not a fan of people who try to merge at the last second.

300 yards to go

200 yards to go

50 yards to go and yet they wont merge until its 1" to go. Then they usually have to slam the brakes on the prevent themselves hitting the poor sod in front

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Its only someone elses lane if somene is in it. I often take the racing line on larger roundabouts if they are clear of traffic and its safe to do so. I also use all of the road (both sides) again when safe to do so.


Yea but the problem occurs when you are in the other lane, but the other idiot hasn't bothered to look - and just assumes it's clear, then nearly side-swipes you.

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I also dont like people who think their indicators are deflector shields.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 11:28 ----------


Yea but the problem occurs when you are in the other lane, but the other idiot hasn't bothered to look - and just assumes it's clear, then nearly side-swipes you.


No matter what your style of driving the sad fact is theres always going to be morons on the road. Im very confident in my ability to get home safely at night on my drive home but in recent weeks ive almost been in nasty collisions 3 times. 2 of those involved cars going through red lights and one where some joker wanted the bit of the road i was using and without indicating just swept to the side and gave me the finger :loopy:

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My pet hate is: I think I drive sensibly and leave an 'appropriate' space between my car and car I'm following, dependant upon speed and traffic conditions, only to have some clown who wants to be 20 yards further on from me, to nip into the space, therefore creating an unsafe distance between me and them. which in turn forces me to drop back to recreate the 'safe' distance.

That's mine also, this is often followed by the same person then nipping back into the previous lane so as to gain another 20 or 30 yards .pointless.

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That's mine also, this is often followed by the same person then nipping back into the previous lane so as to gain another 20 or 30 yards .pointless.


Yes you're absolutely right there....The Tinsley viaduct during morning and evening traffic seems to be the time I see it most....It's like wacky races sometimes along there.

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Its only someone elses lane if somene is in it. I often take the racing line on larger roundabouts if they are clear of traffic and its safe to do so. I also use all of the road (both sides) again when safe to do so


I do the same, but on the other hand, I've also nearly been side swiped a number of times when the car in front hasn't realised that I AM now using that bit of lane. Some people just aren't very good at judging where other cars are or are going to be, and they should probably stick to their lane for safeties sake.

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In my boy racer days, I worked in Shoeburyness, and travelled to the parents in Tamworth at weekends. Going round London's North Circular road, I would screech off from traffic lights, then screech to a halt at the next ones, while a Daf 33 driven by a little old lady just trundled along at a constant 30. I realised I was driving like a wassock, and learnt a lot!

Hopefully now, I am guilty of none of the above!

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