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Railway line and tunnel


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Hi geotom - you would have walked through the tunnel leading to the old City goods station via the lower-level bridge, or the one that led under Bernard Road to the smaller bridge serving the coal & coke depot. In either case I would love to have done the same! Where we youngsters sat on the wall is now somewhere in mid-air over the Parkway. Here is a late 1960s photo taken from the wall, showing the "Nunnery Main Line Junction" signal box.



Hi hillsbro, yes that's it, the lower one.

You mention the hydraulic lifts on Sheffield Station, As a young apprentice I worked on the station with the electricians and fitters (OMD, Plant and Machinery Department) whose workshop was in the old 'Barbers shop' on the station front, I remember going into the pumphouse, where the pumps were that pumped up a massive weight, which gave the pressure to operate the lifts, everything was spotlessly clean and shinny. The punphouse was where the B&C Funeral Parlour is now.

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..., I remember going into the pumphouse, where the pumps were that pumped up a massive weight, which gave the pressure to operate the lifts, everything was spotlessly clean and shinny. The punphouse was where the B&C Funeral Parlour is now.
That's very interesting; I remember my uncle telling me about the two hydraulic lifts. The location is marked on this old map and the "power tower" is visible in a photo on the picturesheffield.com site - here's a link.
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