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Passenger stamps on Sheffield bus driver’s head.

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The fact that people believe a man with 13 prior convictions who severely attacked a bus driver should be let out on the street because he's mentally unstable is worrying, truly worrying.


The point of imprisonment is not only to punish, but to protect the public. Would the supporters of this lack of prison sentence be as understanding if their loved one was attacked in the street by this man? He can't help it after all - he's mentally unstable.

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Because the people who would want to do this are people like us with good character and dont like violence.


Also look at when that farmer Martin I think his name was took the law into his own hands. The idiots that did it got pathetic sentences and he got inprisoned.


You obviously don't remember the Martin case.

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Would you prefer that nurses did bad or evil or something?


The judge almost certainly did think of the victims. He probably had a lot more information than you do, and considered it all quite carefully.



clearly not, seeing as this thug has NINE previous convictions for violence .


Just how many people have to be violently attacked by an individual before they are locked up for the public`s safety ?


---------- Post added 03-03-2015 at 14:18 ----------


You obviously don't remember the Martin case.


He was protecting his property from scum burglars , yet he was sent to prison when he should have been given a knighthood for ridding his neighbourhood of a professional criminal.

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I agree with you and Brendan Fearon should have been held responsible for leaving a 16 year old boy to bleed to death and Tony Martin should never have been sent down. An out of character reaction when under threat for your life is not the same as a man with 13 convictions for violence.

Edited by denlin
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I agree with you and Brendan Fearon should have been held responsible for leaving a 16 year old boy to bleed to death and Tony Martin should never have been sent down. An out of character reaction when under threat for your life is not the same as a man with 13 convictions for violence.


Yes and spot on with what you said. Also someone earlier mentioned that the Martin farmer had an illegal firearm. Yet no one explains why. I think I read somewhere hed been targeted before. He was simply trying to protect himself and his family. He only attacked when his property was broken into. In fact one of the scum said they were injured from it but the Sun Newspaper showed them to be skateboarding or cycling or something like that.


It annoys me when no one ever thinks of the victims in any of these cases.

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Yes and spot on with what you said. Also someone earlier mentioned that the Martin farmer had an illegal firearm. Yet no one explains why. I think I read somewhere hed been targeted before. He was simply trying to protect himself and his family. He only attacked when his property was broken into. In fact one of the scum said they were injured from it but the Sun Newspaper showed them to be skateboarding or cycling or something like that.


It annoys me when no one ever thinks of the victims in any of these cases.


That was Brendan Fearon. He tried to sue Tony Martin claiming he was left disabled till the Sun produced photos of him cycling

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That was Brendan Fearon. He tried to sue Tony Martin claiming he was left disabled till the Sun produced photos of him cycling


I remember now. I'm not the Sun's biggest fan. I dont generally read it but they are good for exposing this problem. At least the Sun in this case is on the side of the victim.

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You mean for using an illegally held firearm to shoot someone in the back?


A third party.. the government ... which retains the services of people with firearms says that we the public may not own firearms unless we meet certain criteria.


Some of us choose to accept that some do not.


Tony Martin was protecting his property... who cares whether he shot the scrote in the back or the face? I know I don't.


Unfortunately the scrote lived. I suppose some doogooders or bleeding heart liberals will disagree with that. That is their right. Just as it is the right of those that think martin did the right thing to hold their views.




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