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Passenger stamps on Sheffield bus driver’s head.

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He shot a boy in the back who was trying to run away.


It was not self defence and it was right that he was charged.


---------- Post added 03-03-2015 at 17:37 ----------



How much thought have you spared for the dead boy or his family?


He shot in the pitch black not intending to hit anyone after being targeted before. If you want to apportion blame try blaming the MAN (I use the term loosely) who took a 16 year old boy to burgle somebodies house and then, knowing the boy had been shot, left him there to bleed to death. What would you do, shake their hand and ask them not to be naughty

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Ok let me ask this question what should Tony Martin have done. Thieves were breaking into his property again. Should he have accepted it? If he'd reported it to the police either the they a would have attacked him or the police would arrive hours later (he lived in the middle of knowwhere)? What would you have done?


I agree that Mr Martin was let down by both the police and the social services - he needed help and he didn't get it.


I can't say what I'd have done - I honestly don't know - but I hope I wouldn't have fired a shotgun into the back of a lad who trying to run away.


Martin could just as easily have threatened the burglars with the gun, or even fire a round into the floor or over their heads. I'd be a deal more sympathetic had he done either of those things.

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Do you think we should condone shooting people in the back, who are trying to flee? That is certainly not self defence.


If an assailant is trying to knife you to death for example or trying to kill your wife/son/daughter and you happen to find a loaded gun in your hand, fair enough.

Shooting someone who's running away is vengeance.


Trying to flee a crime they were commiting and had committed several times in the past. Poor little dears. I don't care if people who rob other people are shot in the back. Society loses nothing.

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He shot in the pitch black not intending to hit anyone after being targeted before. If you want to apportion blame try blaming the MAN (I use the term loosely) who took a 16 year old boy to burgle somebodies house and then, knowing the boy had been shot, left him there to bleed to death. What would you do, shake their hand and ask them not to be naughty


Not borne out by the evidence brought before the court.


Besides, anyone discharging a firearm into a dark space knowing there might be people there is a dangerous and reckless person who probably needs locking up.

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It had one for Tony Martin too. It decided he was guilty of murder and later reduced it to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibilty, which seems fair enough to me.


He only served three years for taking a young lad's life. I think he got off relatively lightly really.


Had Brendan Fearon called an ambulance instead of scarpering to save his own skin the young boy would not have bled to death - blame him

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Did Tony Martin know what if anything they had stolen? Could have had his wallet and watch in his pocket running away 'Thought' = Dam if I let him go I might not get the stuff back.

I think what should be fair is to drop a few shots in the knee caps then check said burgers pockets for any stolen items then phone for an ambulance. Maybe thats what he did but is an awful shot.


Of course due to this countries joke of a legal system we can't defend our homes or selfs. such a shame "Great Britton" lol

Edited by carboy42
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Trying to flee a crime they were commiting and had committed several times in the past. Poor little dears. I don't care if people who rob other people are shot in the back. Society loses nothing.


Yes it does. It loses the presumption that you can't kill people unless you're acting in self defence.


It would allow hundreds of people to get away with murder.


Really no loss to society.



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Not borne out by the evidence brought before the court.


Besides, anyone discharging a firearm into a dark space knowing there might be people there is a dangerous and reckless person who probably needs locking up.


That was indeed what Tony Martin had said in court and how would you like to be in the middle of nowhere and be the target of burglars. It wasn't the first time Fearon had been there and he was well known where he lived and I know because we had a caravan not far from where he lives for 7 years

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He shot a boy in the back who was trying to run away.


Not that it matters but it is hard to shoot people in the front when they are running away.


It was not self defence and it was right that he was charged.



A lot of people disagree with you on that.

He had, or had attempted, to steal from martin and got shot for his trouble.. I can't see anything wrong with that.



How much thought have you spared for the dead boy or his family?


Absolutely none.

The dead kid won't do it again so he's not a problem to anyone anymore. On reflection from what was published at the time about the case the parent's apparently had not tried to bring the child up properly so that's what potentialy could and did happen.


I am quite happy to say that I made a donation towards martin's appeal costs. IMHO all he was guilty of was not being a very good shot as far as the convicted drug dealer fearon was concerned.



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A lot of people disagree with you on that.


And they're all completely wrong.



He had, or had attempted, to steal from martin and got shot for his trouble.. I can't see anything wrong with that



Do you have children? One of your kids nicks a bar of chocolate from my corner shop and I shoot them dead.


Can you see anything wrong with that?

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