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Pigeon solves problem

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A major problem here ... judging by the size of the banana (which is pretty much a constant), the 'pigeon' must be around four foot tall.


This leads me to believe that the 'pigeon' in question can be none other than our dear friend the 'Hillsborough Tree penguin' in disguise. Given that it's capable of disguising itself before undertaking the audacious theft, it's pretty obvious that it's intelligent enough to to not only climb on top of the box, but also (in unseen footage) to actually build the box itself in carpentry night classes. Another clue is a (gigantic) pigeon would fly up to nick the banana ... a feat a Tree Penguin (or any other member of the Sphenicscidae family) is totally incapable of ... hence the box.


Admittedly, there are no banana trees in Hillsborough (to my knowledge), but Morrison's is, and bananas very often go missing off the fruit display there.

I rest my case.


I think you may be jumping the gun here, this experiment took place back in the early 80's when, due to strict Republic regulations, only thumb-size bananas were permitted to be exported. I believe the pigeon may be standard size (but don't hold me to that).

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It's not a feral country pigeon because they don't come in white. It's a variety of Rock Dove, which was the domesticated pigeon kept in dovecotes as a source of meat and eggs by the Lord of the Manor in mediaeval times. Commoners were not allowed to keep them as they reduced grain harvests. Only the Lord of the Manor had this privilege.


When dovecotes and Manorial Lords fell from favour in late mediaeval times the pigeons gravitated towards cities and towns and became the familiar urban pigeon.

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Never underestimate birds. This pigeon solved the banana and the box problem.

I wonder how old a child would have to be before it could solve this problem?





If it had any intelligence it would have just flapped its wings and been up at the bannana in seconds.

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If it had any intelligence it would have just flapped its wings and been up at the bannana in seconds.



By doing that he could have broken a wing in such a tight corner. Instead he used lateral thinking.


I just don't think birdy is that bright.


And what's lateral thinking got to do, got to do with it?


You're just making this up as you go along.

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Jumped then?


Impossible. Can't jump as got no knee joints.


---------- Post added 04-03-2015 at 21:09 ----------





I just don't think birdy is that bright.


And what's lateral thinking got to do, got to do with it?


You're just making this up as you go along.


You obviously aren't a bird watcher. Have you ever watched a sparrow for example, they don't walk or take steps, they only hop together on both feet.

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