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You wanna win? You gotta start failing!

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Afternoon everyone :D


So, just discovered this guy, Preston Smiles, makes a lot of sense to me.


Here's the latest

on how to think less and live more...


That the key component to success, is failure


I've kinda known this already....but at a time in my life, when I'm scared to make big decisions - just in case they go wrong...


This video speaks to me.


Hope it does to you too....



As Always



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Haven't seen the video; but I'd say it's more to do with reframing the whole 'succeeding' and 'failing' paradigm; in to understanding the relationship and connection, between what you do, and the results you get. It's all ultimately experience, and it's all good (if you're open to learning about life, about yourself).


Having the confidence to try things, knowing you may fail, but trying anyway because you value the learning experience, more than you value how other people see you*. That's the ticket!




* Or more accurately, how you 'think' other people see you...

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Haven't seen the video; but I'd say it's more to do with reframing the whole 'succeeding' and 'failing' paradigm; in to understanding the relationship and connection, between what you do, and the results you get. It's all ultimately experience, and it's all good (if you're open to learning about life, about yourself)




But we're all programmed to avoid failure


That's the problem!


People don't want to start - just in case they fail



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People don't want to start - just in case they fail




I think we generally care too much about how others see us; to the extent that it influences our behaviour (more than we may think).


I think that's a big part of why we don't try; not that we fear failure per-se, rather we fear that we will be diminished in the eyes of others.


I could be wrong of course; but that's just my perspective on the matter..

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I like topics like this, Solomon/Waldo.

I’ve not watched the video yet, but I will. I can share that the greatest mistake I ever made led to my greatest achievement.


One of my favourite quotes is: The person that never made mistakes never made anything.


There is some great material out there-Napoleon Hill, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robins etc.


EDIT: Just watched the clip. My impression...I like that guy!

Preston Smiles. I’d never heard of him. So much energy and enthusiasm.

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One of my favourite quotes is: The person that never made mistakes never made anything.


Or you can just keep failing regardless of your actions and just chuck the towel in, which is the easier option

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Or you can just keep failing regardless of your actions and just chuck the towel in, which is the easier option


I once heard someone say, "if a person keeps doing what they`ve always done, they`ll always be what they`ve always been".


A good quote I like is: "When you change the way you look at something, the thing you look at changes"

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