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What would you do ? : unknown car across your drive at 7.00AM

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If it is alarmed give it a push or a bang on the windows. Most people know they shouldn't park across a driveway and would only do so on a temporary or emergency basis. It should summon the driver out if they are in the immediate area before calling for assistance.


Unfortunately a minority are just ignorant of decent behaviour and manners and just park there because it's convenient.


I used to live on a busy street and work at home, I quite often had to nip out to tell someone as they got out, to get right back in as they'd just blocked my drive and the car in it.

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Just bounce it into the middle off the road and its not your problem then. Someone once blocked me in in a car park, a few phone calls and half an hour later that car was broadside on up a nearby grass banking. Some people need to learn the hard way :thumbsup:

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Just bounce it into the middle off the road and its not your problem then. Someone once blocked me in in a car park, a few phone calls and half an hour later that car was broadside on up a nearby grass banking. Some people need to learn the hard way :thumbsup:


The problem being that you`d need a few blokes to do that, and then it`d be blocking the road...... The most unfortunate thing about most of the courses of action one can take (with an unknown car parked across one`s drive) involve inconveniencing the neighbours one way or another. Even if it`s just calling round all of them at some unearthly hour to try and find out whose car it is.

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  • 4 months later...

Someone keeps parking their car close to my driveway, between mine and the neighbours. I know that it's not illegal, it's just very inconvenient when trying to reverse into / drive out of the driveway. My partner tried parking in the same spot for a few days, but the driver clearly didn't get the message. Whoever it is lives at the other end of the road, not even nearby really.

And now it is back and actually encroaching the driveway edge by a couple of inches, it will be extremely tight to get our car out, if not impossible :(

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