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Right into the Eurosceptics hands regarding smacking

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AS you say I am not a lawyer either but I don't think assault is as simple as some people reckon..

I don't think any potential anti-smacking legislation would be as blunt to include inadvertent harm caused by physically removing a child from a source of danger; it isn't assault because there's no wilful intent to cause harm in the immediate act of physically removing a child from a dangerous situation.

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I'm just glad that my kids turned out alright without ever having the need to be smacked.

It's a difficult question though, as to whether some children are bad because they were brought up badly or whether they were born that way. I just don't know.

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....I was smacked when I was a kid. My OH was too as was many people and we have never been in trouble with the law and always been in work.


Some people who were smacked ended up in prison. Some became barristers. Others got run over by a bus. Some got cancer and others lived past 100. Some support Wednesday and others collect stamps. But there's no link between smacking and anything else that happened to them later on in life.

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The ones on here supporting smacking are generally the usual miserable buggers.


I don't think you have to actually support smacking to NOT want it criminalised.


Think for a moment what we would be asking for if we supported a complete ban on smacking. Thousands of kids put on at risk registers? Thousands of well-intentioned parents being investigated as criminals? I don't know, what do we actually WANT to happen here?


Do I think you should smack kids? No, it's a terrible idea in most situations and should be avoided.


I love my parents dearly. I had a most idyllic childhood. I thank my lucky stars I had the upbringing I had. My parents did their best for me.


Was I smacked? Well yes, on a handful of occasions, when I had driven them beyond the limits of sanity.


Was I harmed? Well no.


Would I want my lovely mum and dad to be treated like criminals? Hell no.


I understand that this is merely an anecdotal account, but I think if you ask the vast majority of people, they will have had a similar experience. If smacking had been illegal most of us would have been brought up in care presumably?

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I, too, was smacked. It didn't work. Other kids get hit with a belt, or a cane, or a cricket bat. Some get punched in the face, some get shaken so hard they suffer brain damage. Where do you think the line should be drawn?




Jeez,where was you brought up?

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So it's just about physical damage to the body?


Do you not accept the reality that you can inflict as much pain, shock and distress by slapping a childs backside as you can its face?


How about pinching or chinese burns? They don't cause lasting physical damage, so they're OK by your rationale apparently.


You have consistently failed to explain what sanctions you would impose and why you think they are better than a slapped bottom. Children will suffer many painful experiences during their early years and they will learn from those experiences.

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What sanctions do you suggest would be a suitable punishment for misbehaviour?


Anything that the child acknowledges as a positive. Dessert, toys, play time, friends time etc etc..the list is endless. Or you could mindlessly hit the child in order to soothe your own frustration. You could also try ignoring the tantrum. Most children are needy and they will use any means available to get what they want..many parents give in to that then suffer the consequences later, and are unable to cope. Ironically I think it's called immaturity.


---------- Post added 04-03-2015 at 20:58 ----------


As kids if we stepped out of line my old man took his belt to us. We never did it again. Didnt do us any harm . Maybe if todays out of control yoofs had been given tough discipline maybe they would have some respect .


Yeh right.


Do you have kids Penny?

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Why is it widely seen as acceptable by some to slap a child's backside but not their face? My contention is that they're both wrong.


Its a mixed view by so many people. I'm wondering just how many people are being honest with their view. I have slapped my two on occasion when they were children, and a huge pang of guilt usually followed. It wasn't a regular event, and something that still fills me with heartache. But the bottom slap is usually the place that children are likely to receive it, as the face slap does seem to be much more aggressive. Either way, it is morally wrong to slap anyone, but is it meant to be violent or as someone said earlier, a deterrent to the person, i.e. face slap a pervert or bottom slap an unruly child?

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