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Whats the problem with speed cameras

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I am genuinely confused. When ever motoring or traffic gets mentioned speed cameras come up.


You then have a group of motorists (presumably ones who dont follow the speed limit) saying these are a cash cow and a tax. So much so that the government backs down and limits their use tells councils to make them more visible but why. Is it not people who breaking the law dictating how it should be run.


Why do motorists have a huge problem with them?


People are fed up with getting the short end of the stick.

They drift over the speed limit, get a fine in the post and a bump in insurance premium.


Two weeks later some scumbag breaks into their house, trashed the place and steals their belongings and the police couldn't give a monkeys.

Even if they catch the sod the punishment is just a slap on the wrist.

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People are fed up with getting the short end of the stick.

They drift over the speed limit, get a fine in the post and a bump in insurance premium.


Two weeks later some scumbag breaks into their house, trashed the place and steals their belongings and the police couldn't give a monkeys.

Even if they catch the sod the punishment is just a slap on the wrist.


Are you genuinely trying to say that the reason behind motorists ire at speed cameras is because the police wont care of their house gets burgled??


Do they have the same feelings about shop cctv cameras?

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You aren't one of these drivers who thinks "ooh, there's nobody in front of me in this residential 30 zone, I'll do 50 down here..." are you?


Genuine question, because quite a lot of people do seem to do that.


Since they said:


Driving to the conditions is what is important.


I would say not because driving at 50mph in a 30mph zone is not driving to the conditions. Conditions isn't just weather.

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Like most laws in this country, the enforcement needs to be proportional.


Quite, I also think that speeding has been concentrated on to the detriment of other equally (or more so) dangerous practices.


Unless you're speeding, you're unlikley to get caught for drunk or dangerous driving until you've had the accident.

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You aren't one of these drivers who thinks "ooh, there's nobody in front of me in this residential 30 zone, I'll do 50 down here..." are you?


Genuine question, because quite a lot of people do seem to do that.


There are more conditions than 'the road ahead is clear'.



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