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Earnings back to pre crash levels

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The government have so successfully managed the economy we are now seeing a return of average earnings to pre crash levels.


I hope fellow Sheffield Forum members will join me in congratulating the professional way Osborne and Cameron have brought the country back from the brink of bankruptcy.


Cool,so they have paid back all the 3 trillion that has been borrowed.lets see if the base interest comes back up.

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Never said it would be. I was responding to the post that said Cameron has been successful.

Don't have time to get into a council debate, but if you look at the ones that have been cut the vast majority are Labour.


Cynics would say that labour councils might have managed the cuts badly to make themselves look like victims and the government the bad guys. Case in point is don valley stadium. The London olympics had hardly been cleaned up and it gets closed down and levelled. No rescue plan, just a bulldozing.


But I'm not a cynic.

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Never said it would be. I was responding to the post that said Cameron has been successful.

Don't have time to get into a council debate, but if you look at the ones that have been cut the vast majority are Labour.


Of course it is, they were spending the most. Cant beat the socialists for spending other peoples money.

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If you believe we needed to cut the deficit, all they've done instead is increase borrowing.


The way they've gone about it is destroying the UK. 1 million at foodbanks.

And the cuts are going to get worse if they get in again because they failed miserably to reach any of the targets set in 2010.


---------- Post added 04-03-2015 at 16:26 ----------



See above. They failed to reach their targets. And by quite some way.[/quote


The deficit, as a % of GDP (the only really meaningful measure) has fallen by 50% since 2010. The structural deficit is down by a third. This is less than aimed for but is a remarkable result allowing for the massive amount of borrowing Labour undertook trying to stimulate the economy after they had wrecked it.


---------- Post added 04-03-2015 at 17:36 ----------



Mid May if Milliband and Balls get in. (but don't worry, they wont).


I wouldnt say remarkable. I'd say a failure on most accounts.



---------- Post added 04-03-2015 at 16:54 ----------


Of course it is, they were spending the most. Cant beat the socialists for spending other peoples money.


Move down to Surrey then.

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The government have so successfully managed the economy we are now seeing a return of average earnings to pre crash levels.


I hope fellow Sheffield Forum members will join me in congratulating the professional way Osborne and Cameron have brought the country back from the brink of bankruptcy.


You must be joking. Osborne and Cameron are the biggest con artists since Tony Blair.

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So we all feel better than we did before the recession do we?


Zero hour contracts, house price and rent increases, fuel increases, transport increases, food price increases, utility increases, welfare cuts oh, and we've all experienced huge wage increases - Not.


What planet is Osbourne living on? :huh:

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The government have so successfully managed the economy we are now seeing a return of average earnings to pre crash levels.


I hope fellow Sheffield Forum members will join me in congratulating the professional way Osborne and Cameron have brought the country back from the brink of bankruptcy.


This post 'has' to be sarcasm....isn't it?


Oh and yep, my earnings are back to pre-crash levels.....Well....In as much as they haven't changed....Not had a pay rise since :(

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The government have so successfully managed the economy we are now seeing a return of average earnings to pre crash levels.


I hope fellow Sheffield Forum members will join me in congratulating the professional way Osborne and Cameron have brought the country back from the brink of bankruptcy.


The details aren't so clear though are they. The over 60s are better off, the 20 - 35 still below pre-crash levels...

Not exactly a balanced recovery.

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This post 'has' to be sarcasm....isn't it?


Oh and yep, my earnings are back to pre-crash levels.....Well....In as much as they haven't changed....Not had a pay rise since :(


One of the issues is we havent collected enough tax. In some ways the govt are subsidising private business, allowing tax avoidance and allowing compression of wages. Smes arent helped by banks etc. And facilities to lend are still not pre crash levels.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 10:53 ----------


The details aren't so clear though are they. The over 60s are better off, the 20 - 35 still below pre-crash levels...

Not exactly a balanced recovery.


Its hard to get on the housing ladder. A few years ago it was much easier.

This govt has singularly failed to address the problem.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 10:59 ----------


So we all feel better than we did before the recession do we?


Zero hour contracts, house price and rent increases, fuel increases, transport increases, food price increases, utility increases, welfare cuts oh, and we've all experienced huge wage increases - Not.


What planet is Osbourne living on? :huh:


Yet weve created more millionaires than ever before.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 11:04 ----------




Some stats on earnings

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