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Earnings back to pre crash levels

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This post 'has' to be sarcasm....isn't it?


Oh and yep, my earnings are back to pre-crash levels.....Well....In as much as they haven't changed....Not had a pay rise since :(


Re my bold.


Not sarcasm...more this...




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I wouldnt say remarkable. I'd say a failure on most accounts.



---------- Post added 04-03-2015 at 16:54 ----------



Move down to Surrey then.


You move to Paris, its a socialist heaven, you will love it, economy screwed, unemployment through the roof. Full of whingers.

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One of the issues is we havent collected enough tax. In some ways the govt are subsidising private business, allowing tax avoidance and allowing compression of wages. Smes arent helped by banks etc. And facilities to lend are still not pre crash levels.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 10:53 ----------



Its hard to get on the housing ladder. A few years ago it was much easier.

This govt has singularly failed to address the problem.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 10:59 ----------



Yet weve created more millionaires than ever before.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 11:04 ----------




Some stats on earnings


No government has collected more cash than this one, the LABOUR government allowed the banks and the tax avoiders free rein for 13 years.


The incentives now available to first time buyers, allowing for the fact that we are emerging from the worst recession since the 1930s, are both generous and well founded, praised by builders and buyers alike.


The more millionaires the better, no nation prospers by encouraging mediocrity.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 12:59 ----------


You must be joking. Osborne and Cameron are the biggest con artists since Tony Blair.


How can you possibly justify that statement? Blair lied to Parliament and took the country to war on that lie. People are being slaughtered daily as a result of that socialist egoist war criminal.


He and Brown lied when they repeatedly told us "no more boom and bust" leading to the biggest "bust" in history.


Cameron and Osborne took over a job that many thought impossible, we were bankrupt. They have created 1.8 million new jobs, they have brought welfare and public spending under control. They have halved the deficit. (there are a number of ways of calculating this, the most relevant one is to work out the debt as a % of GDP on that basis it is halved.) The British economy is growing faster than any other developed nation.


Yet you and others trapped in your socialist mindset can only slander, misinterpret and take more notice of what school these guys went to rather than the huge service they have done for this country and by implication you and your family.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 13:02 ----------



Nice cakes tho.


Yes made by capitalist bakers.

Edited by Alan Ladd
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The government have so successfully managed the economy we are now seeing a return of average earnings to pre crash levels.


I hope fellow Sheffield Forum members will join me in congratulating the professional way Osborne and Cameron have brought the country back from the brink of bankruptcy.


Must be April the first … :hihi:


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 12:34 ----------


Yet you and others trapped in your socialist mindset can only slander, misinterpret and take more notice of what school these guys went to rather than the huge service they have done for this country and by implication you and your family.




A nation will be judged on how it treats its weakest not on how it rewards its elite .


And what may fuel an important debate between now and polling day is a series of detailed reports, written by academics from the London School of Economics and the Universities of York and Manchester, showing how certain poorer and vulnerable groups have been disproportionately hurt by austerity and budget cuts.

Perhaps the most damaging claim made in the reports is that cuts to tax credits and cash benefits took more away from those in the bottom half of the income spectrum than these poorer people gained from the significant increases to tax allowances.

And they say that whatever savings were made from this rebalancing of benefits and tax allowances were wiped out by cuts in income tax for the better off.


The Treasury's response is to criticise the authors for not taking into account "the effects of changes to the vital public services on which so many rely" - including the protection given to schools and health budgets.


But this may be to compare apples with pears. Because what LSE, Manchester and York have tried to do is look at different elements of tax and social policy, and examine its impact on specific groups - rather than come up with one simple number that shows that inequality had widened or narrowed (although they do say that poverty probably increased after 2012-13 and may get worse).

And they make two particularly resonant claims.


First, that families with children under five suffered significant cuts to services, as inflation-adjusted spending per child on childcare, Sure Start and early education services fell 25% between 2009-10 and 2012-13. They also say that benefit and tax reforms hit these families harder than other households.

Second, that users of adult social care fell 7% per year, at a time when there was 10% rise in the population aged over 65, with care-at-home services especially hard hit.

Edited by Grandad.Malky
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Must be April the first … :hihi:


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 12:34 ----------



A nation will be judged on how it treats its weakest not on how it rewards its elite .


Nonsense, a nation is judged on its ability to pay its debts, be solvent enough to assist less fortunate nations in times of trouble. Our "weakest" are massively strong when compared to the needy in other nations.


Our solvency and ability to maintain ourselves as a major power is due to the commercial nounce of those who make the profits that pay the taxes that fund the welfare systems.

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No government has collected more cash than this one, the LABOUR government allowed the banks and the tax avoiders free rein for 13 years.


The incentives now available to first time buyers, allowing for the fact that we are emerging from the worst recession since the 1930s, are both generous and well founded, praised by builders and buyers alike.


The more millionaires the better, no nation prospers by encouraging mediocrity.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 12:59 ----------



How can you possibly justify that statement? Blair lied to Parliament and took the country to war on that lie. People are being slaughtered daily as a result of that socialist egoist war criminal.


He and Brown lied when they repeatedly told us "no more boom and bust" leading to the biggest "bust" in history.


Cameron and Osborne took over a job that many thought impossible, we were bankrupt. They have created 1.8 million new jobs, they have brought welfare and public spending under control. They have halved the deficit. (there are a number of ways of calculating this, the most relevant one is to work out the debt as a % of GDP on that basis it is halved.) The British economy is growing faster than any other developed nation.


Yet you and others trapped in your socialist mindset can only slander, misinterpret and take more notice of what school these guys went to rather than the huge service they have done for this country and by implication you and your family.



Hardly trapped in a socialist mindset, just common sense shows us how badly things are going.

By their own admission they havent collected ENOUGH tax. The data shows we need more tax revenue. Cameron and Osborne havent created DIDDLY SQUAT. Most the jobs are either self employed or low paid or zero hours.


Hence why we haven't collected enough tax :loopy:


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 17:11 ----------


Nonsense, a nation is judged on its ability to pay its debts, be solvent enough to assist less fortunate nations in times of trouble. Our "weakest" are massively strong when compared to the needy in other nations.


Our solvency and ability to maintain ourselves as a major power is due to the commercial nounce of those who make the profits that pay the taxes that fund the welfare systems.


What like the euro debt we couldn't afford to pay?

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Hardly trapped in a socialist mindset, just common sense shows us how badly things are going.

By their own admission they havent collected ENOUGH tax. The data shows we need more tax revenue. Cameron and Osborne havent created DIDDLY SQUAT. Most the jobs are either self employed or low paid or zero hours.


Hence why we haven't collected enough tax :loopy:


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 17:11 ----------



What like the euro debt we couldn't afford to pay?


Your arguments are nonsensical, no matter what you are determined to take a stupid statement such as this. If Cameron had paid it you would be braying that he was not standing up to the EEC. Like so many on here you are negative and brainwashed. Had it not been for the actions taken by this government we would be in a very serious situation. Thank god for the Tories.

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Your arguments are nonsensical, no matter what you are determined to take a stupid statement such as this. If Cameron had paid it you would be braying that he was not standing up to the EEC. Like so many on here you are negative and brainwashed. Had it not been for the actions taken by this government we would be in a very serious situation. Thank god for the Tories.


Instead of running off crying to the EU and getting that debt reduced. Its the equivalent of taking out a payment plan with a creditor:loopy:

You were saying about countries that cant pay their debts....


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 17:29 ----------


nonsense, a nation is judged on its ability to pay its debts, be solvent enough to assist less fortunate nations in times of trouble. Our "weakest" are massively strong when compared to the needy in other nations.


Our solvency and ability to maintain ourselves as a major power is due to the commercial nounce of those who make the profits that pay the taxes that fund the welfare systems.




---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 21:40 ----------


EPIC FAIL ho ho ho

Edited by ubermaus
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I parked outside a food bank in a small town in South Yorkshire recently. A couple pulled up in a CAR. Went in obtained their needs. Drove away.


A few minutes later I saw them park in the town centre and go into the Witherspoons.


Car? Witherspoons? Food bank? Poverty? bull****.


Saw that story in the news. The car was nicked. They used it to perform a heist at Witherspoons for the contents of the condiments trolley.:rolleyes:


Apparently, the only evidence they'd been in the car was a Bill Wethers CD they'd left behind.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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