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"First Buses do WHAT??"

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Somehow, I think First might just have a different set of priorities from "smooth driving" when the safety of other road users, and of their passengers and drivers.


Do you not think smooth driving is a big part of safe driving?

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I'm I reading the report right in thinking that the driver is using the smoothest journey bonus scheme as a reason why he didn't brake or swerve or at least attempt to avoid the victim.


Yes, that's exactly what he tried to argue: swerving or braking to avoid running someone over would mean that he lost his bonus. So he didn't swerve or brake. Faced with this kind of idiocy, perhaps First need a scheme that awards even bigger bonuses for avoiding running people over.

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Do you not think smooth driving is a big part of safe driving?


I think alert, evasive driving and a driver with common sense is a good combination.



Of course this driver is using it as an excuse, for all we know he wasn't even watching the road and hoped some crock like this would get him off with a lighter sentence. All it has done is made him look callous and put into question what should be a good company bonus scheme.

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Why was this not a custodial? He admitted that he chose not loosing his bonus over killing someone.


Losing a potential bonus vs running someone over, the mind boggles doesn't it. The driver should have served some prison time along with never be allowed to drive again.

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How is a crossing going to save lives if oncoming buses aren't going to slow down or swerve?


Is it just going to give pedestrians a false sense of security?


Am I forgetting something here though. I know he should be punished for what he did but why didnt the pensioner use a pelecan crossing. Dont they have two. One near Primark and one further on near the Coop?


Do we really need another crossing?


I forgot all about these two when I made my earlier post.

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