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More right wing channels / appearances on TV? enough or not enough?

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Farage is flavour of the month at the moment, with being the only credible third party in a two party system. The funny thing is that, despite the programmes about his followers, he's playing the BBC quite well.


On Tuesday Bill Turnbill the "political interviewing heavyweight" of BBC Breakfast tried to make fun of him for launching an Australian style immigration policy, failing to realise that any criticism of the policy was a criticism of a tried and tested system of Australia.


When he wasn't getting anywhere with Farage he desperately resorted to the comment that Farage once made about the M4 being busy because of immigrants.

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As a minor party with only 2 MP's, UKIP are currently been given too much airtime by the British media.


But beyond that, I do worry about how intelligent right wing voices are being drowned out by the likes of Katie Hopkins and James Delingpole. I really don't think that a lot of the shrill, extreme rent-a-gobs you come across in the media give a very good representation of conservatism.

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Would you include channel five with its constant attack on the poor in that synopsis .

And then we could throw Jerrimy bleedin Kyle in for back up.


Both Channel 4 and 5 have had poverty porn series recently.


But UKIP are relentlessly attacked by just about every channel.


The thing that depresses me about the JK show is that he never seems to run out of guests.

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So none of you have considered that a channel is not defined by right or left wing in this country? I ask again, what is right wing? Let me extend that question, what is left wing? There is no such thing.


I agree. unfortunately there are those on here that persist in the paranoid fantasy that the TV channels are full of left wing propaganda, in spite of evidence showing the contrary.

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Both Channel 4 and 5 have had poverty porn series recently.


But UKIP are relentlessly attacked by just about every channel.


The thing that depresses me about the JK show is that he never seems to run out of guests.

It would be a so much more interesting show if brave Jerry did not have his bone head bouncer pals watching every movement so as to make sure that one of his victims does not hang him up by the collar .

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Farage is flavour of the month at the moment, with being the only credible third party in a two party system.


Credible? They couldn't even get their manifesto ready for their own conference and when they make policy statements they contradict what they said the day before. They did it this week, deciding there wouldn't be a cap on immigration after all, having just said there would be. And immigration is their number one policy.


The SNP are in government and doing a good enough job to be about to more or less wipe Labour out in Scotland. The SNP are far more credible than UKIP.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 15:36 ----------


It would be a so much more interesting show if brave Jerry did not have his bone head bouncer pals watching every movement so as to make sure that one of his victims does not hang him up by the collar .


I think the bouncers are there mainly to keep the contestants apart. Not that I ever watch it.

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