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Election - Cameron agrees to just one TV debate

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I agree with Cameron.


This should not be about "electing a President", it's about electing a government, and electing a local representative.


The focus on the leaders, rather than their would-be cabinet team, and the policies of the parties as a whole should be the focus.


Not some puerile engineered debate where the candidates read a prepared speech prior to "banter" between the protagonists masquerading as "serious debate".


Funny then, how he's not rejected the idea of appearing at Prime Minister's Questions time then, isnt' it?

Edited by Mr Bloom
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No it isn't. As said above Cameron knows only he can lose. I think they should go ahead with the debates anyway and if Cameron isn't there then the public will interpret that accordingly.


How is what you said different from what I said? :confused:

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I agree with Cameron.


This should not be about "electing a President", it's about electing a government, and electing a local representative.


And on that note, I must admit that I think it's much more informative to attend a local hustings meeting then watch party leaders try and score points off each other on TV.

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He was very keen on leader's debates back in 2010. Indeed when other parties were trying to sort out details in 2010 about the televised debates, David Cameron's aides were very quick to call others "frit" and "chicken".

Looks like David Cameron is "frit" and "chicken" this time!

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I don't agree with televised debates; the aftermath is never about the policies, it's all about how many jokes they made, what colour shirt they wore or how many times they coughed. It's politics for people who are too lazy or stupid to research their own vote.


If you need to vote based on how stage managed and slick the marketing team have been with the candidate, then you probably should just move to the U.S instead.

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Not some puerile engineered debate where the candidates read a prepared speech prior to "banter" between the protagonists masquerading as "serious debate".


You mean like every appearance he makes in the commons?

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