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Election - Cameron agrees to just one TV debate

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if Cameron had not been a total idiot by agreeing to the 2010 debates in the first place when he ought to have known that they could only have benefited the others more than him then he wouldn't be in the mess he is in now.


Thatcher nearly made the same mistake in 1979 as Cameron did in 2010 and actually wanted to debate with Callaghan that year. Luckily she had advisers that were ready to tell her that the last thing she needed to do was debate on television with some guy that had very little chance of winning unless he fluked one against this shrill sounding woman on national television and that without there being any debate, she was going to win the election anyway.

Edited by blake
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After how Cameron bullied and harangued Brown about this, what an absolute hypocrite Cameron is now for all to see.


Ah, if only we could have Gordon Brown back in power. The man who denied ever calling a woman a bigot because she asked a question about immigration.


Until it was pointed out to him that he hadn't turned his mike off and it was all on tape.


A byword for honesty, integrity and mental balance.

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well if I was a Tory like him and fighting to keep my job I'd be fighting for every seat I could get. Last thing I would want to do is put on makeup and go on the Muppet Show. It is the most interesting election ever with both the main Lab / Con parties being shot at in a big way SNP are shooting at Labour in Scotland and the UKIP are shooting at the Tories in England, but especially in the the south of England. Looking forward to it like no other previous election.

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turnout is always worth remarking about because the one thing that continually baffles political scientists is why anybody ever bothers to turn out to vote in the first place. They must agree with it, right if they bother to go to vote?


turnout was relatively consistent between 1945 and 1992 after that it fell off a cliff and reached the lowest point of about 59% in 2001. After that it recovered to about 65% last time. I think it will continue its upward course but only by 2 or 3%.

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Listening to the pundits on the box this morning they made the point that the electorate couldn't give a toss about the TV debates.

They go out on the streets and ask the electorate what are the important issues. They say the economy, IS terrorists and immigration. They turn to the papers where Cameron and Osbourne are talking about the economy, IS terrorists and immigration. They then point to Miliband who is only talking about a TV debate.

It seems Cameron will get his own TV show whilst the children all squabble and mass debate. In the meantime Cameron is actually talking about the issues that everyone bar the political activists want addressing.

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More signs the guy doesn't have a clue:


Ed Miliband: I will pass new law to guarantee TV election debates



He's really got his teeth into this non-event hasn't he. What's stopping the next guy from repealing the new law he is making?


Proper toys out of the pram stuff from Milli :hihi:

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