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Sheffield City Council meeting - An important Invitation

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Lol...11 posts on SF and about half show that rinzwind is convinced everyone who doesn't agree with him is a troll.


This boy will go a long way :cool:


Where do you get half from and isn't that technique number 4?


Instead of that, lets just see a cost benefit analysis of the IKM team.

Edited by rinzwind
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Guest sibon
Lol...11 posts on SF and about half show that rinzwind is convinced everyone who doesn't agree with him is a troll.


This boy will go a long way :cool:


Especially whilst he is making such good use of techniques number 2,6 and soon, I guess, 25.


You have to admire his talent.

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Guest sibon
I'm waiting for his "research" :cool:


I'd be grateful for some straightforward rumours, assumptions and general made up stuff.


Anything really that will give me a clue about what's making him tick.

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I'd be grateful for some straightforward rumours, assumptions and general made up stuff.


Anything really that will give me a clue about what's making him tick.


And who this "we" is that he'd referred to a couple of times.


My money would be on UKIP.

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I'm waiting for his "research" :cool:


I'm still waiting for my research. If anyone who isn't as vexatious as me would like to ask the council under the freedom of information act, for a cost benefit analysis of the information knowledge management team, then I can get back on with it.


It only takes two minutes to sign up for whatdotheyknow.com and ask the council anything you like. It doesn't cost anything and you can post the link to the results here so we can all have a look.

Edited by rinzwind
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I'm still waiting for my research.


I thought you'd done it :huh: Or are you jumping to conclusions before you've done your "research"?


And who is this "we" you keep referring to - but avoid giving an answer.

Edited by Longcol
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