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Sheffield City Council meeting - An important Invitation

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Which decisions?


Certainly none of the posts listed previously are involved in planning decisions. And ultimately planning decisions rest with a group of councillors, although they have recommendations and reports from staff working for them.


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 10:31 ----------


This was the list of staff



Chief Executive £216,000



Director of Public Health £98,453



Director Sheffield First Partnership £81,645



Director of Policy & Performance £81,645



Executive Director of CYPF £141,516



Executive Director of Communities £141,516



Executive Director of Place £141,516



Executive Director of Resources £141,516



Consultant in Public Health £81,618



Director of Health Improvement £76,922



Head of Public Health Intelligence £67,805



Head of Communications £58,225



Head of Policy & Improvement £58,225



Director of Children & Families £99,154



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Director Lifelong Learning(Skills & Com) £76,922



Children's Commissioner for Sheffield £76,922



Director of Care & Support £81,645



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Director of Housing Services £81,645



Director of Commissioning £81,645



Head Libraries & Community Services £58,225



Director of Capital & Major Projects £89,831



Director of Regeneration & Dev Services £89,831



Director of Culture & Environment £89,831



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Director of Marketing Sheffield £76,922



Director of Creative Sheffield £76,922



Director of Human Resources £81,645



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Interim Director of ICT £81,645



Director of Finance £81,645



Director of Legal & Governance £81,645



Director of Customer Services £76,922



Director of Transport & Facilities Mgt £76,922



Head Business Chge & Programme Delivery £68,484



Interim Director of Commercial Services £58,225


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 10:31 ----------


And this is the list of things that these people aren't responsible for


Turning down 'Next' who wanted to build their super store in Sheffield.


Turning down IKea for the best part of ten years, and all the jobs that went with it.


Leaving Sheffield without a decent market for years, then when they finally get round to building one, build it in the wrong place, and charge too much.


Building a new fire station then knocking it down again, and planning to do the same with the main bus station.


The fiasco that is the sevenside retail development, and the money wasted on it.


Knocking down the relatively new Jessica Ennis stadium, and planning to replace it with - a stadium.


Trying to break the legally binding Graves park covernant, and wasting money on unnecessary legal battles.


And if you want to go further back....


The airport debacle that ended in its closure and the dodgy dealing that ended with them selling it for £1. Still awaiting the enquiry that 'Lord' Scrivens promised on that one...


The world student games.

Edited by Cyclone
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. Different sides of the political spectrum ultimately have different strategies. It was a rhetorical question though, and the answer was none.




Strategy? What "strategy"? It's pretty obvious there isn't one, and it doesn't matter which party, or the hierarchy or councillors!:confused::confused:

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Or we could simply look at post 84 by Green, and use our own experience of the monumental **** ups this highly paid bunch of top ('we have to pay top dollar to get the best,') executives have presided over...


Turning down 'Next' who wanted to build their super store in Sheffield.


Turning down IKea for the best part of ten years, and all the jobs that went with it.


Leaving Sheffield without a decent market for years, then when they finally get round to building one, build it in the wrong place, and charge too much.


Building a new fire station then knocking it down again, and planning to do the same with the main bus station.


The fiasco that is the sevenside retail development, and the money wasted on it.


Knocking down the relatively new Jessica Ennis stadium, and planning to replace it with - a stadium.


Trying to break the legally binding Graves park covernant, and wasting money on unnecessary legal battles.


And if you want to go further back....


The airport debacle that ended in its closure and the dodgy dealing that ended with them selling it for £1. Still awaiting the enquiry that 'Lord' Scrivens promised on that one...


The world student games.


Please feel free to add to the list, it is by no means exhaustive, simply things that spring quickly to mind.


....And this is the best?

Using public land to store dog waste.

Having a consultation about removing trees at Heeley City farm when the decision had already been made.

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ALL of the councils decisions? That's a question too broad to answer.


Ultimately the responsibility rests with the councillors, but many decisions will be delegated to employee's. But not the decisions that Anna listed.

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Building a new fire station then knocking it down again, and planning to do the same with the main bus station.


Knocking down the relatively new Jessica Ennis stadium, and planning to replace it with - a stadium.


Apart from issuing the planning permission, what has the new fire station got to do with the council?


And where is this stadium, do you mean Don Valley?

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Or we could simply look at post 84 by Green, and use our own experience of the monumental **** ups this highly paid bunch of top ('we have to pay top dollar to get the best,') executives have presided over...


Turning down 'Next' who wanted to build their super store in Sheffield.


Turning down IKea for the best part of ten years, and all the jobs that went with it.


Leaving Sheffield without a decent market for years, then when they finally get round to building one, build it in the wrong place, and charge too much.


Building a new fire station then knocking it down again, and planning to do the same with the main bus station.


The fiasco that is the sevenside retail development, and the money wasted on it.


Knocking down the relatively new Jessica Ennis stadium, and planning to replace it with - a stadium.


Trying to break the legally binding Graves park covernant, and wasting money on unnecessary legal battles.


And if you want to go further back....


The airport debacle that ended in its closure and the dodgy dealing that ended with them selling it for £1. Still awaiting the enquiry that 'Lord' Scrivens promised on that one...


The world student games.


Please feel free to add to the list, it is by no means exhaustive, simply things that spring quickly to mind.


....And this is the best?

Will Add;) The hole in the roooad, The wedding cake and then the biggest cocck up in the World of cocck ups! The Town Hall extension, [A building that actually kept all the Council services in one building ].

You couldn't make it up if you tried.


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 11:18 ----------


Apart from issuing the planning permission, what has the new fire station got to do with the council?


And where is this stadium, do you mean Don Valley?

Which other stadium could she possibly mean?

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Filling in the "hole in the road" was hardly a balls up. The place was like the Black Hole of Calcutta towards the end and filling it in allowed a new tram system to be completed. Rose tinted spectatles aplenty on this thread.


I was just bemused that Anna thought the stadium had that name, given it was a stadium she never competed in at an international level as far as I am aware.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear..are the council's decisions made by the elected councillors or the civil servants..?


Just to be pedantic, civil servants work in governmental departments and the like - not for the council.


Politicians (councillors) are the employers and they set the broad agenda but council officers are the ones who interpret what the politicians want (and what central government dictates). Major decisions are made or endorsed by councillors - those that cost over a certain amount to implement or affect more than two wards.


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 12:24 ----------


Your confusing the councillors with the highly paid civil servants who work for the council.


see above :|

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