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Sheffield City Council meeting - An important Invitation

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Filling in the "hole in the road" was hardly a balls up. The place was like the Black Hole of Calcutta towards the end and filling it in allowed a new tram system to be completed. Rose tinted spectatles aplenty on this thread.


I was just bemused that Anna thought the stadium had that name, given it was a stadium she never competed in at an international level as far as I am aware.

The hole in the road with the tram flying over the top would have been a sensational engineering sight to behold.

It was allowed to become a no go area due to lack of policing just as has happened around the Market areas.

Perhaps we should compare with the Piece Gardens and Barkers Poole where all the money has been spent this at the expense of the Market area and Fitzallen Square.

Edited by cuttsie
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The hole in the road with the tram flying over the top would have been a sensational engineering sight to behold.

It was allowed to become a no go area due to lack of policing just as has happened around the Market areas.

Perhaps we should compare with the Piece Gardens and Barkers Poole where all the money has been spent this at the expense of the Market area and Fitzallen Square.


Not aware of your work, is spelling things wrong on purpose part of your act?

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Not aware of your work, is spelling things wrong on purpose part of your act?

I write it as I see fit ,as to my act I once played a pantomime horse [rear end] at the Empire].


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 14:23 ----------


Filling in the "hole in the road" was hardly a balls up. The place was like the Black Hole of Calcutta towards the end and filling it in allowed a new tram system to be completed. Rose tinted spectatles aplenty on this thread.


I was just bemused that Anna thought the stadium had that name, given it was a stadium she never competed in at an international level as far as I am aware.

By the way what are Rose tinted spectatles maybe I could use a pair in my next act;)

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Or we could simply look at post 84 by Green, and use our own experience of the monumental **** ups this highly paid bunch of top ('we have to pay top dollar to get the best,') executives have presided over...


Turning down 'Next' who wanted to build their super store in Sheffield.


Turning down IKea for the best part of ten years, and all the jobs that went with it.


Leaving Sheffield without a decent market for years, then when they finally get round to building one, build it in the wrong place, and charge too much.


Building a new fire station then knocking it down again, and planning to do the same with the main bus station.


The fiasco that is the sevenside retail development, and the money wasted on it.


Knocking down the relatively new Jessica Ennis stadium, and planning to replace it with - a stadium.


Trying to break the legally binding Graves park covernant, and wasting money on unnecessary legal battles.


And if you want to go further back....


The airport debacle that ended in its closure and the dodgy dealing that ended with them selling it for £1. Still awaiting the enquiry that 'Lord' Scrivens promised on that one...


The world student games.


Please feel free to add to the list, it is by no means exhaustive, simply things that spring quickly to mind.


....And this is the best?



Two that has been missed are the give-away of the SCC owned incinerator after its failed upgrade attempt that cost the taxpayers over £25 Million. It could have been lucrative, paid back money to SCC and also saved £Millions for the taxpayers.


Another one is the disastrous failure that was the digital region project costing around £64 Million with tens of millions still to be paid back to the EU.


Bad management once again in both cases and with none of the people in charge being reprimanded or brought into account for that bad management. The sad thing is that these councillors still get elected.

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It's about the people not the party. Will this person defend my interests as a councilor or not.


Bold, well that's an aspect (the me part). I can't imagine anyone would put themselves up unless they want to help people, whether left, right or centre. So it boils down to which side they stand for with their aims.


Strategy? What "strategy"? It's pretty obvious there isn't one, and it doesn't matter which party, or the hierarchy or councillors!:confused::confused:


Strategy probably wasn't the best word, policies might a better one.



It's pretty obvious there isn't one, and it doesn't matter which party, or the hierarchy or councillors!:confused::confused:


Well in my [adult] lifetime I only know of 2 parties that have ran Sheffield Council, and they are both left.

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Two that has been missed are the give-away of the SCC owned incinerator after its failed upgrade attempt that cost the taxpayers over £25 Million. It could have been lucrative, paid back money to SCC and also saved £Millions for the taxpayers.


Another one is the disastrous failure that was the digital region project costing around £64 Million with tens of millions still to be paid back to the EU.


Bad management once again in both cases and with none of the people in charge being reprimanded or brought into account for that bad management. The sad thing is that these councillors still get elected.


No matter who you vote for the council always get in. "In 2001 ownership of the incinerator was transferred to Onyx UK (now Veolia Environmental Services) from Sheffield City Council."

The City was controlled by the Liberal Democrats from 1999 to 2002


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No matter who you vote for the council always get in. "In 2001 ownership of the incinerator was transferred to Onyx UK (now Veolia Environmental Services) from Sheffield City Council."

The City was controlled by the Liberal Democrats from 1999 to 2002



Yes but the upgrade and all its problems was initiated by a Labour council headed by Jan Wilson at the time and it was their bad management of it that cause the problems. SCC over estimated the capacity and uptake and built pipelines that were too big and lost heat. They also plumbed up the High Rise flats in Norfolk Park to use the heat at a great cost only to blow them down just a few years later. That part of the ring is still operational but now only supports a few buildings.


IRC it had to be shut down for a while because it did not meet the EU pollution guidelines until the upgrade was completed. SCC could not afford to spend any more money so it was then decided to give it away.

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Yes but the upgrade and all its problems was initiated by a Labour council headed by Jan Wilson at the time and it was their bad management of it that cause the problems. SCC over estimated the capacity and uptake and built pipelines that were too big and lost heat. They also plumbed up the High Rise flats in Norfolk Park to use the heat at a great cost only to blow them down just a few years later. That part of the ring is still operational but now only supports a few buildings.


IRC it had to be shut down for a while because it did not meet the EU pollution guidelines until the upgrade was completed. SCC could not afford to spend any more money so it was then decided to give it away.


link to the evidence please rather than your opinion

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link to the evidence please rather than your opinion


Its not my opinion but fact. Just try and learn to use Google as there is plenty of past information and articles by the BBC, The Star, Greenpeace, Rabid and also on this very forum.


Here is just one quick link from that time:




And a small snippet from the above from a press release about the ONYX contract.





ONYX has won the tender for a "waste contractor" for Sheffield for the next 30 years.They will be responsible for bin collection, waste disposal, recycling, the district heating system and electricty generation from the incinerator. There is currently little evidence of any strategy to improve recycling or reduce waste in the city and from Onyx's track record it is unlikely that things will improve. The company take over the Council's responsibilities on August 1st.The £28 million debt for the refitting of the incinerator will be wiped out. Householders will no longer be able to hold the council accountable for the bin service, which has a very good reputation in Sheffield for being efficient and regular. The pollution from the incinerator will now be generated by a multi national company, a subsidiary of Compagnie General Des Eaux, with no stake in the well being of Sheffielders. Voters will no longer have any influence on the waste strategy of thefuture.


I apologise though for getting one thing wrong, it was £28 million wasted not £25 and the upgrade was agreed in 1997.


And another quick link:





BTW I also attended some of those meetings. There should also be a Parliamentary record for the time as questions were also asked in "the house."

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