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Sheffield City Council meeting - An important Invitation

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Guest sibon
Don't ask vince cable, he doesn't know.


Vince always knows absolutely loads, until he actually has to carry something out. Then he backtracks, mumbles and exits.


For me, he's an even bigger let down than Clegg.

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Vince always knows absolutely loads, until he actually has to carry something out. Then he backtracks, mumbles and exits.


For me, he's an even bigger let down than Clegg.


He was supposed to be the great economic oracle and he doesn't know how to close tax loopholes. He said this on the telly. If he doesnt, who does?

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Guest sibon
He was supposed to be the great economic oracle and he doesn't know how to close tax loopholes. He said this on the telly. If he doesnt, who does?


The thing is that they do know how to do it. It isn't really that hard to do.


There is a lack of political will to do so. That's the problem.

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How much do you think that councillors get paid, Anna? What percentage of zero would constitute a "nice fat pay deal"?


Most councillors that I know, do it because they want to serve the Sheffield citizens. Many of them are successful business people. It really isn't their fault that they are dealing with savage budget cuts.




It isn't. The pertinent question would be "How do we lever the correct amount of tax out of Boots, Amazon, Vodaphone etc. In order to provide for a civillised society?"


I never did like victim blaming.


They do not get 0. Whether it's a salary or expenses is a moot point and one of the things I want to find out.

I would also like to know why they think a jolly to the South of France is a good use of taxpayers money, and what they got out of it for Sheffield. (I presume they got a nice suntan at least...)


I also want them to know they are going to be scrutinized directly by the people they are supposed to represent, and held to account much more closely.


That's not victim blaming, that's just for starters...


I do agree with you about Boots, Amazon etc, but that's more a government issue than council.

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It isn't. The pertinent question would be "How do we lever the correct amount of tax out of Boots, Amazon, Vodaphone etc. In order to provide for a civillised society?"


I never did like victim blaming.



It would have been nice to go, but 2pm does seem oddly inconsiderate as most are at work. Maybe the timing was aimed at the unemployed and feckless. I was also not aware of the meeting until now.

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Guest sibon
They do not get 0. Whether it's a salary or expenses is a moot point and one of the things I want to find out.

I would also like to know why they think a jolly to the South of France is a good use of taxpayers money, and what they got out of it for Sheffield. (I presume they got a nice suntan at least...)


I also want them to know they are going to be scrutinized directly by the people they are supposed to represent, and held to account much more closely.


That's not victim blaming, that's just for starters...


I do agree with you about Boots, Amazon etc, but that's more a government issue than council.


Councillor allowances and expenses are a matter of public record. If you really wanted to know what they were, you would already have found out. It doesn't take two minutes.


Quite frankly, your shallow bleating about trips to the South of France and suntans is indicative of your rather simplistic interpretation of a difficult problem.


The council is making cuts because their funding has been slashed. Funding has been slashed because the tax take is down. The tax take is down because...


Join the dots yourself.

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Quite frankly, your shallow bleating about trips to the South of France and suntans is indicative of your rather simplistic interpretation of a difficult problem.


Shallow bleating!


Typical .. I can't provide a good answer to this response.


Sheffield council plead poverty one minute then apparently justify expenses for themselves, and holidays ( ooops should I call them pointless fact finding tours) abroad for both councillors and employeees.


Are you a council employee sibon?



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Councillor allowances and expenses are a matter of public record. If you really wanted to know what they were, you would already have found out. It doesn't take two minutes.


Quite frankly, your shallow bleating about trips to the South of France and suntans is indicative of your rather simplistic interpretation of a difficult problem.


The council is making cuts because their funding has been slashed. Funding has been slashed because the tax take is down. The tax take is down because...


Join the dots yourself.


I know the council has to make cuts, what irks me is that the council has no real opposition and has therefore got complacent and takes our votes for granted. It needs shaking up, and it needs to be more accountable to the electorate, which it certainly isn't at the moment.


It's also good to see how it works, and see it in action. Of course if you think it's doing just fine and there's no room for improvement, then you won't need to come will you?

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How do you find out?


I was interested to see if sibon's claim of under 2 mins was correct and indeed it is :)


Just google Sheffield Councillors Expenses. I can't open the file though because I haven't paid Windows for the app to read it, and it doesn't open in notepad :) I can open allowances in word though.

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