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Sheffield City Council meeting - An important Invitation

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How much should someone who oversees a £400 and odd million council get paid?


Does anyone ever ask what qualifications these Councillors have that makes them qualified to run such a large budget?

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No, I mean they (the council) should stop taking the vote for granted.


People should be more involved in politics, or they will get the governance they deserve.


---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 21:01 ----------





So, nobody interested then?


DO they take the vote for granted?

The council has changed hands in the last decade several times...

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Does anyone ever ask what qualifications these Councillors have that makes them qualified to run such a large budget?


This is my problem - do they run it? Or do those highly paid (and presumably qualified,) executives run it? Are we paying twice for the same thing? Do we need both? Where is the cross over?


Thanks rinzwind for the list of excecs. Quite an eye opener. God knows how 40 civil servants used to run the whole of India...

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Agreed. There are 37 people working for Sheffield Council that earn more than £50,000 a year. The chief executive is paid closer to £220,000 a year which is a salary £80,000 higher than Prime Minister David Cameron is paid. In total the salaries of these 37 people are a staggering £3.3 million.


Instead of taking a pay cut, these "public servants" are hoping to raise 3.3 million pounds by increasing your council tax. By doing this the council is actually turning down a 2 million pound grant that is available for councils that freeze their council tax. The net gain to the council is therefore only £1.3 million pounds.


If everybody earning over £50,000 was actually paid just £50,000 the council would save nearly 1.5 million pounds AND Sheffield would qualify for the £2 million government grant.


Sheffield Councilors are voting on this budget at 2:00pm TODAY in the town hall. It's a public meeting and that means you can come along and have your say.


just look at some of these agenda items…


"approve a net Revenue Budget for 2015/16 amounting to £422.972m"


"approve a Band D equivalent Council Tax of £130 8.28 for City Council services, i.e. an increase of 1.99%"


"approve a Pay Policy for 2015/16"




I think you've made my point very well rinzwind! I cannot attend the meeting this afternoon and couldn't do much if I did as I live in Dewsbury!


Don't be under any illusion though. It isn't just Sheffield as we have the very same problem ins Kirklees! e.g. A Pond Officer on £35000.00 a year and an Assistant Pond Officer on £25000.00 a year. I'd go round looking at ponds for half of those salaries!



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It's all smoke and mirrors. They've got plenty of money they just can't manage it. Or don't want to push any of their mates off the gravy train.


The top Council officials are like a Medieval gentry in how they look after each other (after themselves of course) whilst keeping the peasants (us) thinking that someone else is the enemy.


A bunch of utter scumbags.

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Sheffield Council's Budget is to be decided tomorrow. The public are welcome to attend, to ask questions, etc.


The council who have held 'public consultation' exercises, would rather you didn't come which is why the meeting has had very little publicity. That way they can ignore everything you've said and do what they wanted to do anyway, as they usually do.


I've been trying to drum up some support for the public gallery, to at least let them know they will be held to account, but it seems no one is interested. Therefore they will, as usual, be able to continue to rely on your votes no matter how rubbish they are... nobody cares.


I give up.


If there is anyone out there that's interested, it's to be held at 2.00pm at the Town Hall.


I won't hold my breath. Just don't complain when council tax goes up, services go down, and they vote themselves nice fat pay deals. They couldn't care less what you think - why should they?


I'm sure you've posted before that you don't vote.....you get what you deserve.


---------- Post added 06-03-2015 at 18:34 ----------


Thanks rinzwind for the list of excecs. Quite an eye opener. God knows how 40 civil servants used to run the whole of India...



Because 40 civil servants never ran India.



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Vince always knows absolutely loads, until he actually has to carry something out.


Lol. Vince Cable is the UK's number one striker of noble poses.

Unfortunately when you are in Government you actually have to do something, like the Royal Mail privatisation, which Vince messed up spectacularly.


In the past the LibDems have always been able to say whet they would have done, had they had the chance. After having a bit of a chance and seeing what they have done, a lot of people aren't going to be listening to them this time around.

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