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Sheffield City Council meeting - An important Invitation

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Councillor allowances and expenses are a matter of public record. If you really wanted to know what they were, you would already have found out. It doesn't take two minutes.


Quite frankly, your shallow bleating about trips to the South of France and suntans is indicative of your rather simplistic interpretation of a difficult problem.


The council is making cuts because their funding has been slashed. Funding has been slashed because the tax take is down. The tax take is down because...


Join the dots yourself.

Perhaps you can tell us what benefit our City gained after the last trip to Cannes by our public servants;)


---------- Post added 06-03-2015 at 19:33 ----------


So, Julie Dore on £32,000 then. Anyone think she's worth it?


It's also a bit like saying MPs are on £78,000. Nobody believes anything they say any more.


And I believe the Sheffield Chief exec is on about £250,000, but then he's not on the council, anybody know what he does or exactly how the work is divided up? No, me neither. And what about groups like Yorkshire forward and those other 'promotional' bodies; who pays them and what for?


Does anybody have a much needed overview?

He organises trips to the South of France Anna.


---------- Post added 06-03-2015 at 19:40 ----------


How much should someone who oversees a £400 and odd million council get paid?

Not thirty times more than a home help or office cleaner.unless of course he is doing a good job.

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This is where all our money goes. Why should the Chief Executive get £80000 more than the Prime Minister?



Chief Executive £216,000



Director of Public Health £98,453



Director Sheffield First Partnership £81,645



Director of Policy & Performance £81,645



Executive Director of CYPF £141,516



Executive Director of Communities £141,516



Executive Director of Place £141,516



Executive Director of Resources £141,516



Consultant in Public Health £81,618



Director of Health Improvement £76,922



Head of Public Health Intelligence £67,805



Head of Communications £58,225



Head of Policy & Improvement £58,225



Director of Children & Families £99,154



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Director Lifelong Learning(Skills & Com) £76,922



Children's Commissioner for Sheffield £76,922



Director of Care & Support £81,645



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Director of Housing Services £81,645



Director of Commissioning £81,645



Head Libraries & Community Services £58,225



Director of Capital & Major Projects £89,831



Director of Regeneration & Dev Services £89,831



Director of Culture & Environment £89,831



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Director of Marketing Sheffield £76,922



Director of Creative Sheffield £76,922



Director of Human Resources £81,645



Director of Business Strategy £81,645



Interim Director of ICT £81,645



Director of Finance £81,645



Director of Legal & Governance £81,645



Director of Customer Services £76,922



Director of Transport & Facilities Mgt £76,922



Head Business Chge & Programme Delivery £68,484



Interim Director of Commercial Services £58,225


Total £3,299,810


Absolutely disgraceful. I thought Cameron was bringing in a policy to stop these people getting more than the Prime Minister?


---------- Post added 06-03-2015 at 20:39 ----------


This is my problem - do they run it? Or do those highly paid (and presumably qualified,) executives run it? Are we paying twice for the same thing? Do we need both? Where is the cross over?


Thanks rinzwind for the list of excecs. Quite an eye opener. God knows how 40 civil servants used to run the whole of India...


Good question Anna B.

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Well, an interesting meeting. A surprising number of people in the public gallery, (although quite a lot of them were Chinese university students.)


Some interesting questions from members of the public, but the answers were fairly stock-in-trade (a bit like TVs Question Time.) Yes, they said, 7 members of the council were worth their £100,000+, (John Mothersole is actually on £220,000,) - have to get the best people,- that was the going rate for the job etc etc.

I have to say, they didn't look very impressive to me, nor worth the money.


Anyway folks, the upshot is, Council Tax is going up, and the council has missed out on a £2,000,000 government grant because of it, though I do believe they are genuinely struggling to fulfill their commitments. They say their government money's gone down by 50% over the last 5 years, and much of it has been drained off to go down south. (There was a lot about the formula being used to calculate per capita grant money being changed to favour those in the south, but this bit was quite technical and it was difficult to hear at times.)


I still think £3.5 million spent on the salaries of just 37 council officers is ridiculous, and a cut in that could have gone a long way to plugging some of the gaps, as Rinzwind says. But without support, what can you do?

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Well, an interesting meeting. A surprising number of people in the public gallery, (although quite a lot of them were Chinese university students.)


Some interesting questions from members of the public, but the answers were fairly stock-in-trade (a bit like TVs Question Time.) Yes, they said, 7 members of the council were worth their £100,000+, (John Mothersole is actually on £220,000,) - have to get the best people,- that was the going rate for the job etc etc.

I have to say, they didn't look very impressive to me, nor worth the money.


Anyway folks, the upshot is, Council Tax is going up, and the council has missed out on a £2,000,000 government grant because of it, though I do believe they are genuinely struggling to fulfill their commitments. They say their government money's gone down by 50% over the last 5 years, and much of it has been drained off to go down south. (There was a lot about the formula being used to calculate per capita grant money being changed to favour those in the south, but this bit was quite technical and it was difficult to hear at times.)


I still think £3.5 million spent on the salaries of just 37 council officers is ridiculous, and a cut in that could have gone a long way to plugging some of the gaps, as Rinzwind says. But without support, what can you do?


Then if they can't get a £2m grant and the money has gone down 50% ( can it be just me who thinks that's rubbish?) then they ain't worth the money are they.

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I'm interested in what gripes Anna B has with the budget the Council is going to approve this afternoon, and what her own suggestions would be that don't result in a collosal increase in my Council Tax


My main gripe, (though there are others,) is that there are at least 37 people working for Sheffield City Council who earn over £50,000+ and 7 of those earn over £100,000. John Mothersole alone earns £220,000. Several of them earn more than the Prime Minister.


The bill for these 37 people alone comes to £3.3 million. In times of austerity this is a ridiculous amount, and judging by today's council meeting they are simply not worth it, nor do I think some of the jobs are necessary, (Executive director of Place, ? £141,536, Director of Public Health £98,453, Consultant in Public Health £81,613, Head of Public Health intelligence £67,885, Director of health improvement £76,992, - do we really need all of these?)


Instead of taking a pay cut or even redundancy, these 'public servants' are going to raise money by putting council tax up, and this means they also forfeit a government grant of £2million.

If they all agreed to reduce their salaries to, say, £50,000, the council would save £1.5million AND qualify for the extra £2million from the government. That's a net saving of £3.5 million going into Sheffield's budget.


Many people in Sheffield are living hand to mouth and would think £50,000 generous.


A full list of all 37 and their salaries has been put on 'General Discussions' under the thread title 'Political Apathy.'

Edited by Anna B
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Guest sibon
Then if they can't get a £2m grant and the money has gone down 50% ( can it be just me who thinks that's rubbish?) then they ain't worth the money are they.


Unless CT has gone up by more than £2m, in which case the council have more to spend. The 50% cut is non-negotiable, it has happened.


The Government are playing a clever, but cruel game with local government finance. This despite the fact that they claim to support devolving power and finance to local authorities. They are lying, of course.

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Perhaps you should actually know whether we need them or not, before you form your opinion.

These people are not members of the council of course, and are not putting our council tax up.


Why would they agree to reduce their salaries, they could probably leave and go to the private sector and earn more, leaving the council to backfill the positions, costing the same salary again, plus the cost of recruiting.

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