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"if we dont deliver our side of the bargain, kick us out in five years

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And where will you find accurate information that will disprove those figures? Some right wing propaganda rag, like the Daily Mail?


Wow, trying to belittle a potential source that would not back up your own view BEFORE you get a response.


Why not give us your approved list of potential sources then we can see if you are biased towards the left or the loony left.



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Could you so rapidly reduce the deficit and not risk crashing the economy tho??

So far it seems like they've gone for some economic growth and a slower deficit reduction.


People would probably be up in arms if the government went hell for leather attempting to reduce the deficit and/or debt.

Big tax increases and such - I can't see that sitting well with the public.

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As a percentage of GDP the public net debt went up from 52.08% in 2010 to 71.38% in 2012, an increase of 37%, and is projected to be 78.76% this year, an increase of 51% since 2010. [Source]


So, in terms of GDP, the debt has increased by a half, not decreased.


I'd be surprised if basing the calculation on GNP rather than GDP would make that much difference, as they usually only differ by a few percent. Where are you getting your GNP figures from, by the way?


If they'd really wanted to, they could have started reducing the debt (eliminated the deficit) by now. After all, the Attlee government managed to do this in the much tougher years after WWII, at the same time as setting up the NHS. But I suppose in those days we really were all "in it together".


I'm not sure how you can compare the NHS just after the war with the Welfare state of today in regards to cost.. 1950 we spent 3% of gdp on health, today it's 8%..spending on "welfare" was 5% in 1950 today it's 15%





If we cut the %age of gdp spent on welfare by two thirds then the debt would be gone ... is that what you'd like to see?

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As a percentage of GDP the public net debt went up from 52.08% in 2010 to 71.38% in 2012, an increase of 37%, and is projected to be 78.76% this year, an increase of 51% since 2010. [Source]


So, in terms of GDP, the debt has increased by a half, not decreased.


I'd be surprised if basing the calculation on GNP rather than GDP would make that much difference, as they usually only differ by a few percent. Where are you getting your GNP figures from, by the way?


If they'd really wanted to, they could have started reducing the debt (eliminated the deficit) by now. After all, the Attlee government managed to do this in the much tougher years after WWII, at the same time as setting up the NHS. But I suppose in those days we really were all "in it together".


Deficit Halved a fact agreed from a number of sources of which you are aware.

1000 new jobs per day whilst Cameron has been in power.

Taxes cut for 26million working people

Benefits capped to reward work

2 million apprenticeships

1 million more kids in good to outstanding schools.


A record to be proud of.


Join us, throw over your prejudices, remember what Labour did to your country,


illegal foreign wars

ruining the economy

allowing banks to go insane

allowing tax dodgers

encouraging benefit and welfare abuse.


Vote Conservative, you know it makes sense.

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More specifically, the figures you point to imply that around 39% of public spending goes on pensions and the NHS. That's essentially a problem with the ageing population. One thing you could do is make it easier for people to work longer, at least in non-manual occupations, to reduce the pension bill. I certainly wouldn't object to that personally.


You may not have noticed but that's already happening...are you saying then that manual workers could get their pensions earlier than non manual ones? How long would you have had to have a manual job for this to occur? If I worked in an office could I get a manual job 6 months before the "manual" retirement age and retire at the "manual" age?

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Benefits capped to reward work


In work benefits have been cut, trashing those who work hard for little and punishing hard working families who were already on the bread line even further.


So, do you think that's a good thing, Alan?

Edited by Mr Bloom
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Why is the entire Labour government responsible for the lies of one man?



The pound was linked to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism when it was too weak to do so. It was Tory policy. Soros just gambled on it - and won, massively.






You're right and I keep telling people this and they don't like it. Labour have only twice left office with a national debt higher than which they inherited, as a percentage of GDP, and both of those times were after the two greatest global economical collapses of all time. They certainly haven't doubled the national debt since 2010, which admittedly was already high, and they certainly haven't punished people like we see now, whilst at the same time rewarding their rich friends

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You're right and I keep telling people this and they don't like it. Labour have only twice left office with a national debt higher than which they inherited, as a percentage of GDP, and both of those times were after the two greatest global economical collapses of all time. They certainly haven't doubled the national debt since 2010, which admittedly was already high, and they certainly haven't punished people like we see now, whilst at the same time rewarding their rich friends


And selling off our assets to them.

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In work benefits have been cut, trashing those who work hard for little and punishing hard working families who were already on the bread line even further.


So, do you think that's a good thing, Alan?


In work benefits have been cut and replaced by tax cuts which are more generous to people prepared to put the hours in and work.

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