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"if we dont deliver our side of the bargain, kick us out in five years

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You may think it simplistic, but when you consider that we have one party who started the middle east crisis, are responsible for the deaths of over a million by now, who ruined our economy.


The other has reduced our commitment to overseas wars, is well its way to fixing the economy.


Then to me, its clear there is a right and there is a wrong.


Im supporting the right.

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What drivel are you reading ? apparently you think the debt has been reduced by half ..


It has been halved as measured as a % of GDP which is the only meaningful measure.


I'm reading the Treasury figures audited and published.


---------- Post added 12-03-2015 at 18:24 ----------


This is the worst of party politics. It's so damn dull. There's no discourse.


A. What about all these other factors at play?

B. No!! Does not compute!! Labour bad!!


Above I list the positive things this government has done, I also list the faults and crimes of the Labour party. No one has yet challenged those assertions.


They, like you, merely splutter out inanities, I too seek discourse, so give me some.

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It has been halved as measured as a % of GDP which is the only meaningful measure.


I'm reading the Treasury figures audited and published.


---------- Post added 12-03-2015 at 18:24 ----------



Above I list the positive things this government has done, I also list the faults and crimes of the Labour party. No one has yet challenged those assertions.

They, like you, merely splutter out inanities, I too seek discourse, so give me some.


Yes they have, and on this thread!!!

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It has been halved as measured as a % of GDP which is the only meaningful measure.


I'm reading the Treasury figures audited and published.


So if you borrow 50K for a car you can't really afford, get lucky and end up earning a bit more so you can just about afford it, the relevance of that 50K debt somehow diminishes? I wouldn't be happy knowing I could just about service the debt but couldn't pay it down, would you? Especially with the interest quickly becoming one of the biggest expenses in my outgoings.


I don't think the government did a bad job considering the state the country was in, but I am not going round with pink glasses, there is still a hell of a lot of work to be done.

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The recovery you mention under Labour was known at the time as "dead cat bounce" it went up, but it was dead.


It sure was dead as soon as Cameron got in. What was that known as at the time? "Dead dodo drop"?



Stop calling it the "global economic collapse" its Transport house claptrap. The Labour party were in charge of our economy, if they had done their job properly we would not have been in the mess we were in.


Just calling it what it is, ladd. Why not take off those blue-tinted specs?

Remind me, who is responsible for the mess we're still in? Or are foodbank queues just collateral damage in your world vision?



I don't know of any super rich British employers who pay less than the living wage, can you name a couple?








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We have neither the ability nor the will to try and pay off our national debt or even meet the annual interest. The question is not will our economy collapse, but when. Whether or not it does so on its own or along with a lot of others at the same time just remains to be seenwho they will be if its not everyone.


This is regardless of who is in power but I have no doubt whatsover and based on prior performance that the UK's financial collapse will take place much sooner if people are stupid enough to vote labour back in.


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