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"if we dont deliver our side of the bargain, kick us out in five years

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So if you borrow 50K for a car you can't really afford, get lucky and end up earning a bit more so you can just about afford it, the relevance of that 50K debt somehow diminishes? I wouldn't be happy knowing I could just about service the debt but couldn't pay it down, would you? Especially with the interest quickly becoming one of the biggest expenses in my outgoings.


I don't think the government did a bad job considering the state the country was in, but I am not going round with pink glasses, there is still a hell of a lot of work to be done.


My point exactly, we do not disagree on the major point, there is a tremendous amount to be done to repair the damage done by the previous administration.


Should we therefore seriously consider electing those who caused the damage in the first place?

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Should we really have to put up with these chumps? It's like trying to discuss something with a kipper


---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 11:40 ----------


This is regardless of who is in power but I have no doubt whatsover and based on prior performance that the UK's financial collapse will take place much sooner if people are stupid enough to vote labour back in.



Why will it?

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My point exactly, we do not disagree on the major point, there is a tremendous amount to be done to repair the damage done by the previous administration.


Should we therefore seriously consider electing those who caused the damage in the first place?


As far as I'm aware the bankers are not standing for election.


They don't need to, as they are doing very nicely and still collecting those lovely bonuses, we are paying for.

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We have neither the ability nor the will to try and pay off our national debt or even meet the annual interest. The question is not will our economy collapse, but when. Whether or not it does so on its own or along with a lot of others at the same time just remains to be seenwho they will be if its not everyone.


This is regardless of who is in power but I have no doubt whatsover and based on prior performance that the UK's financial collapse will take place much sooner if people are stupid enough to vote labour back in.



I share your sentiment if not your pessimism, I actually believe that if we can transform our collective mindset into one of work, contribution and ambition instead of one of dependency, welfare and envy we can make ourselves into a very prosperous nation. We are set to over take Germany by 2030, we need to develop modern manufacturing (the Sheffield is are in poll position.)


So cheer up my boys tiss to glory we steer. As long as we keep the lefties out.


---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 12:59 ----------


As far as I'm aware the bankers are not standing for election.


They don't need to, as they are doing very nicely and still collecting those lovely bonuses, we are paying for.


Sorry, your argument does not wash, the Labour Prime Minister is also First Lord of the Treasury, The Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer also has responsibility for the countries finances, it was Blair and Brown, specifically who wooed the bankers, allowed them to run riot and go economically insane, properly run British banking could have benefitted from the stupidity of other nations, but because Labour, with their international aspirations, were determined to suck up to US and other speculators they allowed this to happen.


They must never be entrusted with power again.

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it was Blair and Brown, specifically who wooed the bankers, allowed them to run riot and go economically insane, properly run British banking could have benefitted from the stupidity of other nations

What have the Conservatives done to control 'the bankers'?

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So cheer up my boys tiss to glory we steer. As long as we keep the lefties out.


They must never be entrusted with power again.


Agreed Alan, but have you now heard that the NHS are paying out £780 million to try and catch up the "backlog"?

Add to this TTIP which both Labour and Tory are backing and then see where the health service winds up.

Neither party for me I'm afraid!



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You're right and I keep telling people this and they don't like it. Labour have only twice left office with a national debt higher than which they inherited,


That's because the electorate usually see sense and kick the incompetent fools out before they really trash things. You can see what happens when Labout get a good hold of the economy by looking around you now - it's only due to the stewardship of the current Govt that things are not much worse.

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What have the Conservatives done to control 'the bankers'?


Introduced Banking Reform Act also Financial Services Act.


This ring fences individual depositors and small business. Ensures all banks keep sufficient capital to ensure they can discharge their responsibilities stopping speculation.


Installed Prudential Regulation Authority to ensure separation of retail and investment banking.


Imposed higher standards including criminal sanctions on Bank employees including Directors.


Made small depositors preferential creditors in the event of insolvency.


Introduced cap on payday loans.


Reformed Libor


Appointed Commission on Banking Standards


ALL things that could and should have been done by Labour before the crash.


Hope this addresses your question.


---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 17:50 ----------


Agreed Alan, but have you now heard that the NHS are paying out £780 million to try and catch up the "backlog"?

Add to this TTIP which both Labour and Tory are backing and then see where the health service winds up.

Neither party for me I'm afraid!




No doubt about it, the NHS is the "elephant in the room". Whilst I am all for a completely free service, we cannot afford to leave things as they are.


It needs a non political review and some really big decisions, for instance if we made retirement 70 we would save about 60billion. If we could further drive down the cost of other forms of welfare substantial savings could be made. We could increase taxation. Personally I think we should get realistic about foreigners, people who abuse A&E like drunks etc etc.


We may disagree on many things but the NHS is one sacred cow worth saving. We should take it away from politics as much as possible.


Regarding no voting for either of the big parties regarding this, what are any of the small ones going to do about it?

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What did Labour do to control them when the banks hit the skids at the turn of the century??


What did the tories do in this five year term and the 18 years when they were last in government? Oh yes, they were the ones who deregulated the banks in the first place and since it's highly likely that bankers vote tory, if not least donate to the party, I can't see the tories punishing them, despite what the tories might say to try and appease public opinion.

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