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"if we dont deliver our side of the bargain, kick us out in five years

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I can see this post has turned into an attack on the unemployed and disabled. Well we all know there are some people abusing the benefits system but see how the Tory lies and exaggeration about the unemployed and disabled have been used to distract from the crimes the rich are committing. The Sun, Mail and Telegraph are the worst culprits at attacking the poor and trying to imply that all benefit claimants are on the fiddle, and now the propaganda machine has gone into overdrive with what the drivel they put on our TV's regarding benefit claimants and immigration. They use it to hide the fraud, tax avoidance/evasion of the super rich, who cost the Country the most. WAKE UP AND STOP THIS HYPOCRITICAL FIGHTING AND GO AFTER THE REAL CRIMINALS.


And on ATOS, well whether their directly responsible for deaths or not, there seems to be a clear link between the cause of death and the condition the victims were suffering from that led to the claim in the first place. Should terminally ill people be made to work ? .. if they want to then yes but they shouldn't be forced. IDS took six months off when his wife was diagnosed with cancer, but he's shown no mercy whatsoever to the sick and poor.

Edited by Dyke
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I can see this post has turned into an attack on the unemployed and disabled.


It has? :confused:


If I were you, I'd vote for 'yes' to legalising all drugs, so you can take what you're having legally :P


Well we all know there are some people abusing the benefits system but see how the Tory lies and exaggeration about the unemployed and disabled have been used to distract from the crimes the rich are committing.


Go up to post 49 and click on the link underlined as 'this'.


The Sun, Mail and Telegraph are the worst culprits at attacking the poor and trying to imply that all benefit claimants are on the fiddle.


The left papers are the worst/best culprits for attacking the rich and trying to imply that all people with more money them are on the fiddle.


Take a moment to think where you are in the scale of rich or poor. I'd harbour a guess that you are the same as me, neither rich or poor.


And on ATOS, well whether their directly responsible for deaths or not, there seems to be a clear link between the cause of death and the condition the victims were suffering from that led to the claim.


I don't see the relevance to this and your original OP. In fact it it confuses me. You want these out, but the only other likely option is a Labour led coalition. You do know that it was Labour who selected Atos for the Work Capability Assessment? If they win will you want them out too? :confused:


Since you haven't posted much since you OP, it's difficult to see your stance. Are you UKIP, or Green?


---------- Post added 08-03-2015 at 02:53 ----------


I can see this post has turned into an attack on the unemployed and disabled. Well we all know there are some people abusing the benefits system but see how the Tory lies and exaggeration about the unemployed and disabled have been used to distract from the crimes the rich are committing. The Sun, Mail and Telegraph are the worst culprits at attacking the poor and trying to imply that all benefit claimants are on the fiddle, and now the propaganda machine has gone into overdrive with what the drivel they put on our TV's regarding benefit claimants and immigration. They use it to hide the fraud, tax avoidance/evasion of the super rich, who cost the Country the most. WAKE UP AND STOP THIS HYPOCRITICAL FIGHTING AND GO AFTER THE REAL CRIMINALS.


And on ATOS, well whether their directly responsible for deaths or not, there seems to be a clear link between the cause of death and the condition the victims were suffering from that led to the claim in the first place.


You've altered your post considerably. I quoted it all (in bits) though in my last post, so all is not lost :)




Forum about to close, and me about to bed.


Who is they?


If you mean right wing propaganda, don't watch c4 and c5. It's ****e. Avoid BBC/Guardian/Unions/Communist blogs if you want to avoid left wing propaganda.


Better still, think for yourself :) Sleep well :)

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From your post #21....


What about the dead that have died in poverty, with no benefits because ATOS said they were fit to work?

What about the number of suicides due to ATOS




From your post #26.....


When asked directly the question of: Did the ATOS review speed up their death?!?!?

Your response started with: Probably, for a good proportion of them




I think YOU need to read what YOU have put in your own posts.


Just admit it. You lost this debate. You failed to back up your nonsense posts and now you are pathetically trying to pretend you never brought it up.


Grow up.


Suicides, after being told they are fit to work? Yes.


If you read the other points, and the link I posted, it was about the number of people being told they were fit to work by ATOS and then dying afterwards - the link says within 6 weeks - I wasn't narrowing it down as much as that in my assessment.


You have to face the truth - more people have died after being deemed fit for work by ATOS than the number of our troops that have died in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars put together and THAT was the point I made.


Please feel free to disprove ANY of the points that I have made.

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TO ASH ... some answers to your questions from just before SF shut ..


No i do not support the Greens and i definitely don't support UKIP or the Tory's as you probably already know and Labour do not have my vote either. I don't support any. While the Green's manifesto looks great on their website, in reality it is impossible to lay out, well most of it. It is just talk and anyway the way Natalie Bennett came out with pledges and couldn't back it up with realistic figures, lost any little support i might have had for them. Their not ready yet and neither is she.


Who's ''THEY'' you asked ? .. I was referring to the Evil Elite, the ones who pull the Government's strings.


I'm just a Conspiracy Theorist who's had a few too many spliffs so take no notice of me.

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You quoted a Union article.


Quite rightly, this has been questioned.


You haven't got another article, so are flinging it back on others to find figures.


The problem is the article and figures were put together by the Union rag. You cannot prove that ATOS caused the death of people when so many other factors could have contributed to the deaths.


If you are categorically stating that it was ATOS, and ATOS only, that caused their deaths then there is not much point discussing it as clearly you lack some basic education.


Atos's decision caused this man to starve to death= http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/disabled-mark-wood-starved-death-3194250

Edited by mafya
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Anyone who comes on this forum and calls Cameron a liar should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.


He has removed our troops from danger, has halved the deficit created 1.8million new jobs, brought sanity back to welfare, and will, given the chance sort immigration out, the immigration that under Labour totaled at least 3.8million.




Like sending troops to Iraq after saying "no boots on the ground"? Like sending troops to the Ukraine?


Sanity back to welfare - not yet.


Sort immigration out? Apart from the fact he's had five years, the EU have told him not negotiable, and his "cap" has not been attained?


You still think Cameron keeps promises?




---------- Post added 08-03-2015 at 09:06 ----------


What about the dead that have died in poverty, with no benefits because ATOS said they were fit to work? How many is that? More than the number of our troops that have been killed during the same period, I'll tell you!!!


What about the number who have died of hypothermia due to fuel poverty? More than the number of our troops that have been killed during the same period, I'll tell you!!!


What about the number of deaths whilst people are waiting for ambulances, or sat in A and Es up and down the country, or lying in corridors on trolleys? More than the number of our troops that have been killed during the same period, I'll tell you!!!


What about the number of suicides due to ATOS and not being able to cope with spiralling costs and dwindling finances? More than the number of our troops that have been killed during the same period, I'll tell you!!!


Don't worry, we will THINK before we vote!


Agree with all of that Mr Bloom - but you've missed out the forces that DID return, many of them are now living on the streets!

Where has the Forces Covenent gone?


---------- Post added 08-03-2015 at 09:08 ----------


I think it's highly likely to be bread and jam on the menu for many for a long time to come still, if the Tories get back in.


Or Labour!!!

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Remember that pre-election "contract" with the electorate that David Cameron signed ? ..


You know, the one that he told us to kick him out of power if he didn't stick to it ? ..


You know, the one that they deleted from their website in the hope that nobody would ever look it up again ? ..





The pre-election "contract" is void because they did not enter into government on their own, the government is made up of two parties with different views, and neither party can do anything without the support of the other party.


If you entered into contract with me to paint your house red and at the same time entered into one with someone else to paint is blue, you should not be surprised if your house ends up being purple, or half red and half blue.

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Atos's decision caused this man to starve to death= http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/disabled-mark-wood-starved-death-3194250


Another biased piece from the Daily Moron.

He probably died from his food phobias according to the coroner.

The rest of them were using uninformed speculation.

Where was his mum?

Where was his sister?

Where was his doctor?

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Yes they are medical conditions, but we have all been at places where someone goes home because they are 'stressed' or they decide to have 3 weeks off.


People are stressed and anxious everyday. Most people deal with it.


Upsetting that you think it is a dumb post. That is obviously the difference between you and me - I get on with things, you look for excuses.


You know absolutely nothing about me. I don't look for excuses, I look for answers. You're full of excuses. You obviously know very little about stress or anxiety. I've had to nurse my mother back from the edge due to mental illness and it's not pretty!


People like you with your, "get on with it" attitude are just purely ignorant! I seems alien to you because you've never had first hand experience.


---------- Post added 08-03-2015 at 10:14 ----------




You quoted a Union article.


Quite rightly, this has been questioned.


And where will you find accurate information that will disprove those figures? Some right wing propaganda rag, like the Daily Mail?

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