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"if we dont deliver our side of the bargain, kick us out in five years

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Of course it is


Why is the entire Labour government responsible for the lies of one man?


Regarding the 90s, that recession, short lived as it was, came about as a result of the UK (both parties,) wanting to join the Euro, the entire economy was aimed at joining and then Soros manipulated the money markets to force a run on the pound.

The pound was linked to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism when it was too weak to do so. It was Tory policy. Soros just gambled on it - and won, massively.

Labour have always left the country skint, The Tories have always left the economy in surplus. Its HISTORY.




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You got to be havin a laugh Alan Ladd.. Cameron has not paid down britains debts, it has risen .. it was £811 billion in 2010 and now its £1.5 trillion estimated in 2015 .. it has risen more than the entire previous Labours who held power spent altogether (less than 700 billion) ..Cameron was lying, dont fall for it .. Plus Osborne borrowed another £250 billion more than what he said he would do in 2010 .. and people think Osborne is a genius

Edited by Dyke
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You got to be havin a laugh Alan Ladd.. Cameron has not paid down britains debts, it has risen .. it was £811 billion in 2010 and now its £1.5 trillion estimated in 2015 .. that is more than the entire previous Labours who held power spent altogether ..Cameron was lying, dont fall for it .. Plus Osborne borrowed another £250 billion more than what he said he would do in 2010 .. and people think Osborne is a genius


What happened to the revenue from the great Royal Mail sell off? :hihi: Oh, hang on a minute....I know.... it ended up in the bank accounts of the super rich within a few days.

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Just read something Julian Fellowes has written. He is the creator of Downton Abbey. "I have a problem understanding why thinking, intelligent people would vote to bring in a government knowing that at the end of every single Labour term the economy is in a mess." He fears an apathetic electorate will allow Ed Milliband into No.10. "I do not see how mature and thinking adults like a lot of people in my profession can vote for a party which, however kind hearted cannot run the economy because the first job of government is to build a healthy economy from which conceivably everyone may benefit. "And when the economy doesn't work nobody benefits, least of all the working class whom they are supposed to be serving as a priority."


Spoken like a true millionaire :hihi:

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To Alan Ladd ... I also read somewhere on this thread where you mention that the '' Tories always clean up Labour's mess ''...Yeh you been listening to Gideon too much or reading too much right wing newspapers.. well anyway this piece of work from AAV ( its not just his opinion, hes also researched it and so can explain better than me.



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To Alan Ladd ... I also read somewhere on this thread where you mention that the '' Tories always clean up Labour's mess ''...Yeh you been listening to Gideon too much or reading too much right wing newspapers.. well anyway this piece of work from AAV ( its not just his opinion, hes also researched it and so can explain better than me.




I have read your attachment, it is nonsensical, I find the mention of how successful Attlee was in reducing the national debt particularly enlightening, Attlee was able to direct the economy away from wartime priorities for six years. In that time he managed to reduce the wartime debt by a mere 40%. This debt was finally paid by Brown in the early 2000s, had a Conservative administration been in power after the was there is little doubt that debt would have been removed by the mid 50s. This would have meant that this country would have boomed throughout the 60s and 70s. to a far greater extent than it did.


The rest of your bloggers statements are unanswerable, as they make no sense, are plain wrong and attributable only to a person who exists in a parallel universe.


---------- Post added 10-03-2015 at 17:03 ----------


Also, the debt has been reduced by a half. This when calculated as a % of GNP, the only truly accurate measure.


You may wish to contrast this FACT with the estimate by you Mr Balls that public expenditure would need to be reduced by £35Billion. That was a lie.


He now tells us that if elected Osborne will need to reduce by £70 Billion, again he lies.

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I have read your attachment, it is nonsensical, I find the mention of how successful Attlee was in reducing the national debt particularly enlightening, Attlee was able to direct the economy away from wartime priorities for six years. In that time he managed to reduce the wartime debt by a mere 40%. This debt was finally paid by Brown in the early 2000s, had a Conservative administration been in power after the was there is little doubt that debt would have been removed by the mid 50s. This would have meant that this country would have boomed throughout the 60s and 70s. to a far greater extent than it did.


The rest of your bloggers statements are unanswerable, as they make no sense, are plain wrong and attributable only to a person who exists in a parallel universe.


---------- Post added 10-03-2015 at 17:03 ----------


Also, the debt has been reduced by a half. This when calculated as a % of GNP, the only truly accurate measure.


You may wish to contrast this FACT with the estimate by you Mr Balls that public expenditure would need to be reduced by £35Billion. That was a lie.


He now tells us that if elected Osborne will need to reduce by £70 Billion, again he lies.


Dyke is Mr Balls?

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