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People collecting for charity at night

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Just got home from work last night at 7.30, sat in car and a figure walked past me to front door, I got out and actually scared them to death (lol)!! Why do they always seem to come at silly times? They were from UNICEF and said they were not collecting any money then just to leave some information, they came in for a few minutes and seemed ok but why if they were only leaving information would they get a form out for me to fill in giving bank details. I subsequently said this was not a good time as I had just got in, had a headache, was tired and my tea was ready, I apologised and said I wouldn't be donating anything, they left (there were 2 of them) a bit miffed I think. I would like to be in a position to donate to charities but I'm just not, why do they make you feel guilty, anyway rant over. Oh this was in Shiregreen, they said they were only in area for one day.

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Just got home from work.......<Snipped>..... they said they were only in area for one day.


Well thank heavens for small mercies. I had this a while back too....I think the lot that came to my house was the Red Cross.


They also wanted bank details, which I told them wasn't ever going to happen. They were a bit miffed too....(I was quite prepared to make a cash donation, but not some open ended direct debit).


I don't actually know 'anyone' who is prepared to give these people bank details, for any cause....But maybe I don't get around enough :)


Does anyone on here 'donate' in this fashion?.....Just wondering.

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I would rather put money in a bucket in a supermarket or go and buy something in a charity shop or donate to comic relief or something like that, makes you very suspicious when they come to door, as if you would give bank details to complete strangers even if they show you their ID card, fell for it once but cancelled straight after!

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The authorities (police etc) say DO NOT give out your Banking details to anyone (At your door, in the street and definately NOT over the phone) unless you are 100% certain who the person is and why they are asking for your details.

If they are at your door or on the phone, Ask them to make you an appointment to see someone at the Bank/Company Office.

DON'T EVER give out your details in the street(!), not even your postcode.


Pete, making 'cash donations' to strangers at your door is the last thing you or anyone else should consider doing,... Think about it!!!!!.

Be Sensible, Be Safe.

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Pete, making 'cash donations' to strangers at your door is the last thing you or anyone else should consider doing,... Think about it!!!!!.

Be Sensible, Be Safe.


Yes you're right of course....But I figured it was infinitely better giving a one off cash donation than giving bank details....as it turned out, they didn't get either :)

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I hate these people. I live in an area of sheffield that is plagued by them each year. I even had one try to talk to me as I got out of my car the other week. I told the guy to go away.


I will not support any charity that employs contractors to knock on your door to ask you to sign up to a direct debit. These companies that provide this service to the charities receive £100+ per signature.


The RSPCA and the Red Cross no longer receive any money from me.

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You don’t need a pin number to empty a bank account. All you need is a sort code and account number. You then go online giving to charities etc. Anyone remember A DJ on the radio saying it is impossible and challenge his listeners to prove it. Guess what happened, Thousands of pounds got lifted from his bank account, Hiring cars for the day, Large donations to charities etc. With only the sort code and account number.


---------- Post added 06-03-2015 at 22:51 ----------


Just seen another one on this forum: Here

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The only thing they can do with your bank details is set up a direct debit and your covered by the guarantee scheme.


As someone who asks for direct debit details over the phone a lot. I just wanted to reply and say yes, this is 100% correct. Worst thing they can do is set up a direct debit, which you can cancel if needed and is also covered but the scheme.


Now giving your card details is a whole different story ?

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Lets say I chap a door. Get details then set up a direct debit for … I want a new car. For every 10 houses 8 will never notice the money leaving their account each month. Never give any bank details.

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