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Labour - conservative coalition?

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Yes i like this idea, unfortunately Nigel contradicts himself along these lines by being totally in favour of reintroducing hunting with dogs.


NO he isn't! What they are proposing (UKIP, not Farage!), is local referendums to let local people decide.


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NO he isn't! What they are proposing (UKIP, not Farage!), is local referendums to let local people decide.



The UKIP leader, who visited the Old Surrey Burstow and West Kent Hunt on Boxing Day, said: “If I were in the House of Commons and there was a vote on repeal tomorrow, would I vote for it? Yes – on libertarian grounds.”


So HE is in favour of lifting the ban - as i said.

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The UKIP leader, who visited the Old Surrey Burstow and West Kent Hunt on Boxing Day, said: “If I were in the House of Commons and there was a vote on repeal tomorrow, would I vote for it? Yes – on libertarian grounds.”


So HE is in favour of lifting the ban - as i said.


Yes, he said he was in favour of lifting the NATIONAL ban, and leaving it to the local communities via a local referendum.

You know, what we have very little of these days - democracy!

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The ban on hunting with dogs was brought in by labour to appease some city folk, which it has nothing to do with, and to 'buy' labour votes from what was basically younger voters who had not the wit to be idealistic about something somrthing worthwhile that they actually might have known something about.


I confess that for various reasons had it been legal I would happily have sat on hill and shot at fox hunters, followers of hounds generally and the like.


Then I matured a bit, actually bothered to look into it and saw the error of my thinking and can no longer justify any interference in the countryside by people who do not, or perhaps should not. live there and/or where not brought up there.


Now will someone explain what a fox hunting debate is doing in this thread.






As for the idea of a conservative labour coalition.... politically it has become that there is very little to tell them apart these days. I for one have begun to, if I haven't already succeeded, fail to see the joint any more.


Provided that none of the present shadow cabinet were seated mps on that coalition government I'm sure the present status quo would continue to exist and that the UK would continue its slow but steady inevitable decline.


For me that would be a much more optimistic project than the certain headlong rush into financial ruin that labour being true to form would lead us into whether or not they are puppets of the snp.


Although to be honest I can't envisage that scenario not happening if sufficient people with goldfish type memories vote labour in this election.



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