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Interesting, worrying and ..

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Intertesting, worrying, and it would appear that nobody is able to refute either the message or the figures, and although the timing maybe a little out it does seem all rather inevitable.


The UK economy it seems is already failing.




Of course even with no evidence to back themselves up you can guarantee that some people on this forum will try to refute it.


They will attempt to belittle it and no doubt label it a conspiracy theory.


Oh well. Like my mum used to say;

There is none so blind as those that won't see.



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Obviously a load of bolax. Just look at the source it comes from :hihi:


Of course even with no evidence to back themselves up you can guarantee that some people on this forum will try to refute it.


I did not expect to catch someone first bite, but kinda knew I could always rely on you Harleyman.



The first narrator is a bit melodramatic I agree.


However, I was not advocating the way they said it.


I was talking about WHAT they were saying and it being non refutable.



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Just two points.


  1. It says that most financial experts agree that it's inevitable that the economy will collapse and the country will turn on it's self. - What a load of rubbish.
  2. The voice sounds like he trying to do a Richard Burton impression to me. :hihi:

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Just two points.


  1. It says that most financial experts agree that it's inevitable that the economy will collapse and the country will turn on it's self. - What a load of rubbish.


I look forward to you showing us evidence to support your rather inimpressive dismissal or where financial experts have said our economy is safe from collapse.


But I won't hold my breath.




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I look forward to you showing us evidence to support your rather inimpressive dismissal or where financial experts have said our economy is safe from collapse.


But I won't hold my breath.





No it doesn't work like that.


The Richard Burton wannabe says that most financial experts agree that it's inevitable that the economy will collapse and the country will turn on itself. Show me the evidence to back up this claim, that's how it's meant to work!


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 22:49 ----------


the same bloke talking about alien life forms on other planets, I look forward to you proving to me that his claims are wrong. :hihi: Edited by JFKvsNixon
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The capitalist system started to disintegrate when it was decided that the one controlling factor which kept it in some form of check should be disregarded for expediency.


Capitalism is a terrible system, but as bad as it is, it is better than all the others.


It's biggest weakness was greed, the defence against greed was the fear of failure, get too greedy, overstep the boundaries, you paid with bankruptcy and lost everything.


The thing that kept it in under some form of control was the fear of failure, then the governments decided to bail out private speculation failure with public money.


The banks were considered 'too big to fail' so austerity was introduced, and private citizens, who had no involvement with the banks decisions, were forced to pay for their failed gambles.


The governments claimed that by bailing out the banks with public money they were now owned by the public.


The banks showed their arrogance and contempt for that statement by refusing to lend money to small businesses when asked to do so by the government, and by using the public's money to pay bonuses to people who had failed to deliver on their job requirements.




The paragraph headed The UK is particularly exposed is interesting in this link.




And this does not make comfortable reading either.



Edited by mjw47
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Of course even with no evidence to back themselves up you can guarantee that some people on this forum will try to refute it.


I did not expect to catch someone first bite, but kinda knew I could always rely on you Harleyman.



The first narrator is a bit melodramatic I agree.


However, I was not advocating the way they said it.


I was talking about WHAT they were saying and it being non refutable.




I just don't just happen to place any credibility on doomsday predictions like that.



Who writes that kind of crap? Chicken Little's grand son?

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