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Interesting, worrying and ..

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I just don't just happen to place any credibility on doomsday predictions like that.



Who writes that kind of crap? Chicken Little's grand son?


It may be over the top and melodramatic in presentation, but that doesn't mean that there isn't an element of truth in the predictions.


The western capitalist system has seriously buggered up, when I first set up in business you had to practically prove to the bank manager that you didn't need the money before he/she would extend you an overdraft.


You had to prove you had collateral and be prepared to give the bank an interest in that asset before they would extend you credit.


The old fashioned bank managers treat the banks money as if it was theirs.


Then they decided to replace them with a bunch of know it all smartarse salesmen who were paid bonuses based upon how much they could lend with little if any collateral assurance.


What could possibly go wrong?


Every bleedin thing, that's what.




Loaning money to people who had little if any chance of paying it back, but it didn't matter, because the person arranging the loan was payed a bonus for lending someone elses money to someone who wouldn't be able to meet the payments.


The only thing the human race will never run short of is stupidity.

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No it doesn't work like that.

Says who?


The economic collapse is inevitable. There is nobody denying that except a few that don't want believe it or lack the intelligence to perceive it.


Just google uk economic collapse and see for yourself.


The Richard Burton wannabe says that most financial experts agree that it's inevitable that the economy will collapse and the country will turn on itself. Show me the evidence to back up this claim, that's how it's meant to work!


The guy reading the black&white script is unfortunately a bit theatrical but also right and again nobody intelligent is going to be disputing that.


Logically it follows, economic collapse, nobody going to work no electricity, no water and shortly after no gas. Obviously no internet or TV, radio might continue for a while but most people won't have access to that.


With no power the larger shops will not sell food without their bar-code tills working. Within a week or two people will have taken all the food from the shops. In a very short time gangs will be raiding people's houses for food to feed their kids.


Many of the police will be home guarding their own families the mps the elite the bankers etc will be the only people being fed in the bunkers we always thought were nuclear shelters.


To deal with the chaos the government will now impose martial law.

According to most sources it takes about 3 weeks for people without food to resort to cannibalism, family pets went ages ago. What ever population reduction measures that have been prepared, disease, neuro toxins, poisoned water, etc. will all be in place now. Dysentry would have broken out within a few days of the water stopping that with the lack of water will take its toll.


The army will be rounding up people 'for their own protection'.


It will start to resemble one of those apocalypse scenarios the entertainment industry has for years been preparing us for.


Initially the armed forces will have been well provisioned but as some sections begin to run out of food they will start raiding the few isolated farms that still have some supplies or livestock and probably start deserting.


Some people may want to fool themselves and believe this could never happen. Go ahead.


Alhough this is all inevitable and unavoidable some will try to dismiss it as impossible these are the people that dismiss anything they don't like or more likely that they fear as mere conspiracy theories.

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It may be over the top and melodramatic in presentation, but that doesn't mean that there isn't an element of truth in the predictions.


The western capitalist system has seriously buggered up, when I first set up in business you had to practically prove to the bank manager that you didn't need the money before he/she would extend you an overdraft.


You had to prove you had collateral and be prepared to give the bank an interest in that asset before they would extend you credit.


The old fashioned bank managers treat the banks money as if it was theirs.


Then they decided to replace them with a bunch of know it all smartarse salesmen who were paid bonuses based upon how much they could lend with little if any collateral assurance.


What could possibly go wrong?


Every bleedin thing, that's what.




Loaning money to people who had little if any chance of paying it back, but it didn't matter, because the person arranging the loan was payed a bonus for lending someone elses money to someone who wouldn't be able to meet the payments.


The only thing the human race will never run short of is stupidity.


That already happened back in 2009 when the big recession finally hit. Just about every major US bank ended up with a portfolio full of bad loans and acres of foreclosed homes. Obama bailed them out. He did the right thing. There was no choice. Many gave him a lot of flack for that, particularly the useless republicans who didn't have a clue themselves how to fix the mess.


These days however you cannot get a mortgage loan or any sizeable loan unless your finances are in top shape with good solid collateral to show also.


It was a hard lesson but the sky didn't fall, neither did a revolution topple the government :D

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Says who?


The economic collapse is inevitable. There is nobody denying that except a few that don't want believe it or lack the intelligence to perceive it.


Just google uk economic collapse and see for yourself.




The guy reading the black&white script is unfortunately a bit theatrical but also right and again nobody intelligent is going to be disputing that.


Logically it follows, economic collapse, nobody going to work no electricity, no water and shortly after no gas. Obviously no internet or TV, radio might continue for a while but most people won't have access to that.


With no power the larger shops will not sell food without their bar-code tills working. Within a week or two people will have taken all the food from the shops. In a very short time gangs will be raiding people's houses for food to feed their kids.


Many of the police will be home guarding their own families the mps the elite the bankers etc will be the only people being fed in the bunkers we always thought were nuclear shelters.


To deal with the chaos the government will now impose martial law.

According to most sources it takes about 3 weeks for people without food to resort to cannibalism, family pets went ages ago. What ever population reduction measures that have been prepared, disease, neuro toxins, poisoned water, etc. will all be in place now. Dysentry would have broken out within a few days of the water stopping that with the lack of water will take its toll.


The army will be rounding up people 'for their own protection'.


It will start to resemble one of those apocalypse scenarios the entertainment industry has for years been preparing us for.


Initially the armed forces will have been well provisioned but as some sections begin to run out of food they will start raiding the few isolated farms that still have some supplies or livestock and probably start deserting.


Some people may want to fool themselves and believe this could never happen. Go ahead.


Alhough this is all inevitable and unavoidable some will try to dismiss it as impossible these are the people that dismiss anything they don't like or more likely that they fear as mere conspiracy theories.


I am going to catagorically say this won't happen in the next 20 years. Nothing even close. It's bonkers, totally bonkers.

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Like I said a few years back, there'll be loads of hype before the election trying to build the economy up into something it isn't. There's all kind of rubbish flying around at the moment e.g. the UK has the fastest growing economy in the EU. Whether it's true or not, who knows, but we're still far behind France, and all their supposed woes, and Germany in the GDP stakes.

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Says who?


The economic collapse is inevitable. There is nobody denying that except a few that don't want believe it or lack the intelligence to perceive it.


Just google uk economic collapse and see for yourself.




The guy reading the black&white script is unfortunately a bit theatrical but also right and again nobody intelligent is going to be disputing that.


Logically it follows, economic collapse, nobody going to work no electricity, no water and shortly after no gas. Obviously no internet or TV, radio might continue for a while but most people won't have access to that.


With no power the larger shops will not sell food without their bar-code tills working. Within a week or two people will have taken all the food from the shops. In a very short time gangs will be raiding people's houses for food to feed their kids.


Many of the police will be home guarding their own families the mps the elite the bankers etc will be the only people being fed in the bunkers we always thought were nuclear shelters.


To deal with the chaos the government will now impose martial law.

According to most sources it takes about 3 weeks for people without food to resort to cannibalism, family pets went ages ago. What ever population reduction measures that have been prepared, disease, neuro toxins, poisoned water, etc. will all be in place now. Dysentry would have broken out within a few days of the water stopping that with the lack of water will take its toll.


The army will be rounding up people 'for their own protection'.


It will start to resemble one of those apocalypse scenarios the entertainment industry has for years been preparing us for.


Initially the armed forces will have been well provisioned but as some sections begin to run out of food they will start raiding the few isolated farms that still have some supplies or livestock and probably start deserting.


Some people may want to fool themselves and believe this could never happen. Go ahead.


Alhough this is all inevitable and unavoidable some will try to dismiss it as impossible these are the people that dismiss anything they don't like or more likely that they fear as mere conspiracy theories.


A few things:


1 - If you believe that most economists believe that the above is inevitable, you need to seek help


2 - If you believe your scenario is both inevitable and unavoidable, then you need to seek help.


4 - If you believe that the government are preparing population reduction measures, then you need to seek help.


5 - If you're unwilling to seek help, at least stay off google for a good period of time.

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Says who?


The economic collapse is inevitable. There is nobody denying that except a few that don't want believe it or lack the intelligence to perceive it.


Just google uk economic collapse and see for yourself. <snip>


The only thing people are questioning is your evidence that economic collapse is inevitable, that and I'm going to eat my next door neighbour. "read world economic collapse" on Google isn't evidence. I can read on google that the Holocaust didn't happen.

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Says who?


The economic collapse is inevitable. There is nobody denying that except a few that don't want believe it or lack the intelligence to perceive it.


Just google uk economic collapse and see for yourself.




The guy reading the black&white script is unfortunately a bit theatrical but also right and again nobody intelligent is going to be disputing that.


Logically it follows, economic collapse, nobody going to work no electricity, no water and shortly after no gas. Obviously no internet or TV, radio might continue for a while but most people won't have access to that.


With no power the larger shops will not sell food without their bar-code tills working. Within a week or two people will have taken all the food from the shops. In a very short time gangs will be raiding people's houses for food to feed their kids.


Many of the police will be home guarding their own families the mps the elite the bankers etc will be the only people being fed in the bunkers we always thought were nuclear shelters.


To deal with the chaos the government will now impose martial law.

According to most sources it takes about 3 weeks for people without food to resort to cannibalism, family pets went ages ago. What ever population reduction measures that have been prepared, disease, neuro toxins, poisoned water, etc. will all be in place now. Dysentry would have broken out within a few days of the water stopping that with the lack of water will take its toll.


The army will be rounding up people 'for their own protection'.


It will start to resemble one of those apocalypse scenarios the entertainment industry has for years been preparing us for.


Initially the armed forces will have been well provisioned but as some sections begin to run out of food they will start raiding the few isolated farms that still have some supplies or livestock and probably start deserting.


Some people may want to fool themselves and believe this could never happen. Go ahead.


Alhough this is all inevitable and unavoidable some will try to dismiss it as impossible these are the people that dismiss anything they don't like or more likely that they fear as mere conspiracy theories.


Wow. Seriously think you either need help or to get back on the meds.


I work in financial services and speak regularly with economic and financial experts. Not one has mentioned anything like what you're talking about. So do I believe a silly YouTube and google conspiracy or actual experts I've spoken to face to face.

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The first narrator trying his best to sound like Laurence Olivier.


It's a computer voice over, not a real narrator.


---------- Post added 08-03-2015 at 11:27 ----------


Wow. Seriously think you either need help or to get back on the meds.


I work in financial services and speak regularly with economic and financial experts. Not one has mentioned anything like what you're talking about. So do I believe a silly YouTube and google conspiracy or actual experts I've spoken to face to face.


These experts don't appear to be painting a rosy picture!

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