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Interesting, worrying and ..

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Show the evidence then, holding your breath will just kill you.

WRONG QUOTE, sorry skinz - RootsBooster

I look forward to you showing us evidence to support your rather inimpressive dismissal or where financial experts have said our economy is safe from collapse.


But I won't hold my breath.






Do you understand the term 'burden of proof' ?

It means that it is up to the person who makes a claim to provide the proof, it's not the job of others to disprove.

Edited by RootsBooster
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Do you understand the term 'burden of proof' ?

It means that it is up to the person who makes a claim to provide the proof, it's not the job of others to disprove.


Yes..sure I just said that.

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Don't worry. Because we are in Europe if the UK economy collapses we can all pop over to France and Germany. I think I'll do that before I turn to cannibalism like the crazy video says I will.


These experts don't appear to be painting a rosy picture!
All those quotes were from 5 years ago. In that context they don't look prescient.
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Don't worry. Because we are in Europe if the UK economy collapses we can all pop over to France and Germany. I think I'll do that before I turn to cannibalism like the crazy video says I will.


Can't we just ask Le Frenchies and Ze Germanese for a multi-billion € bailout like the Greeks did?

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Do you understand the term 'burden of proof' ?


I do but do you?


It means that it is up to the person who makes a claim to provide the proof, it's not the job of others to disprove.


Amd yet it is you and some others that claim what I have passed on is wrong.


Please feel free to prove me wrong. I'm prepared to put money on it that you can't.


Next you will be telling us that when you put money in the bank it is still yours.



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