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Interesting, worrying and ..

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In the link that Tommo68 provided at post 33 Money Week make a specific claim.


They stated as a fact that no country has ever reached the level of debt that the UK now has and survived without suffering a complete financial crash.


It gives Argentina in the 1930s as an example and Weimar Germany in the 30s also.


The claim is that the UK is in the same position now as those countries were then in terms of debt.


So to shed some light on the subject are those claims true?


If not, then move along, nothing to see here. On the other hand, if the claims are true what is going to make it different for us?


We have already gone down the Quantative Easing route, which sounds quite technical until you realise it simply means printing more money with no assets to back it up.


In fact they don't even bother to actually print it they just do it on a computer.




Not to worry though, George and David - or whoever takes over - will come up with a cunning plan I'm sure.

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Can't you just send him back to Australia?


And Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity with him. I watched five minutes of Hannity yesterday evening but had to turn it off. He and O'Reilly are probably the most ignorant and rude talk show hosts in existence. They ask questions then shout down their guests before they even have a chance to respond.


I'm at a loss to understand why anybody who does not agree with their political opinions would want to appear on their crummy talk shows. If I were one I would make it clear that I expect to be given a chance to fully answer the question and if interrupted twice would walk off the show


Sadly many people are just too polite to stand up for themselves and end up tolerating their ignorant behavior.


Sadly also too many people think that those two clowns are the greatest thing to come along since sliced bread

Edited by Harleyman
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A few things:


1 - If you believe that most economists believe that the above is inevitable, you need to seek help


2 - If you believe your scenario is both inevitable and unavoidable, then you need to seek help.


4 - If you believe that the government are preparing population reduction measures, then you need to seek help.


5 - If you're unwilling to seek help, at least stay off google for a good period of time.



Odd thing is this post os your's makes me think that not only do YOU need help but when the SHTF I really hope you and those with a similar attitude have no dependents that have to rely soley on yourselves.



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In the link that Tommo68 provided at post 33 Money Week make a specific claim.


They stated as a fact that no country has ever reached the level of debt that the UK now has and survived without suffering a complete financial crash.


It gives Argentina in the 1930s as an example and Weimar Germany in the 30s also.


The claim is that the UK is in the same position now as those countries were then in terms of debt.

These 'facts', are they based on like for like proportions, ie taking inflation etc into account?


If we're talking the same levels of debt as seen by other countries in the 1930's, that could be relatively little now.

For example, £1000 of debt could have bankrupted a small business in the 1930's whereas these days it most likely wouldn't.

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Odd thing is this


The odd thing is you've failed to address the following...



Don't worry. Because we are in Europe if the UK economy collapses we can all pop over to France and Germany. I think I'll do that before I turn to cannibalism like the crazy video says I will.


All those quotes were from 5 years ago. In that context they don't look prescient.


Its two years old. Rather than get worse as they said it would the economy has grown. So there you go, turns out was easy to refute :)
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