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Is social media making people less sociable?

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Hello, 1st post, and thought this may be a good thread to post on? It seems you guys have had a great debate!


My time is spent a lot on Social Media because of what I do for a living and i know some of the people on my social media but majority i don't. A lot of them i talk to on a daily basis but have never met, and i also talk to them on the phone. I am a very sociable person in the offline world as well as the online world so i would think it has made us more sociable?

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I am a very sociable person in the offline world as well as the online world so i would think it has made us more sociable?


I am sociable, I like people, but can be anxious and slightly introverted; but its the next generation that may have problem face to face.

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I am sociable, I like people, but can be anxious and slightly introverted; but its the next generation that may have problem face to face.


Can I ask how old you are? I'm 30 but can see your point about the next generation as they are used to interacting via the internet and instant messaging on mobile phones. I think you are right in that sense as the younger generation prefer instant messages/social over face to face and phone calls. It's all about convenience i think.

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