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Is social media making people less sociable?

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Been off facebook for 3 months and definitely feel free-er, less tied down and have more time!


I certainly think Facebook is linked to low self esteem, as see a lot of people looking to post for validation from other people. 'Fishing' for comments.

The only issue with this is non of it is real validation from friends etc:(. And when you see images of other people having a good time, that quite often that leads to feelings of low self esteem also.


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 18:00 ----------


I assume that these introverts are not young people, and their introversion caused by social networks? Facebook has only been around for 10 years.


No, mainly 18-30.

I think younger people do have worse social skills in general but just cover it up more.

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No, mainly 18-30.

I think younger people do have worse social skills in general but just cover it up more.


Surely those 18+ year olds learnt most of their social skills pre-facebook, its the early years when people do most learning.

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Surely those 18+ year olds learnt most of their social skills pre-facebook, its the early years when people do most learning.


Quite possibly. I don't have any hard data on this fact but I tend to think just looking around that online / social media has hampered younger people.


For example all my little brother seems to do is stare into a mobile screen or play video games. While I was always socialising and playing out at his age.



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For example all my little brother seems to do is stare into a mobile screen or play video games. While I was always socialising and playing out at his age.




I think too much exposure to video games is more negative, but facebook can bring people together, sometimes.

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I certainly think Facebook is linked to low self esteem, as see a lot of people looking to post for validation from other people. 'Fishing' for comments.

This is probably more to do with your "friends" than anything else, I rarely see posts like that.

The only issue with this is non of it is real validation from friends etc:(. And when you see images of other people having a good time, that quite often that leads to feelings of low self esteem also.

Unless it doesn't, because you happen to enjoy seeing your friends have a good time and have plenty yourself.


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 19:08 ----------


Where did I say people who use social media stop interacting in real life? Its you that misses the point.


It's what you implied. Did you forget what you'd said?


Social skills are learnt and improved by doing. Practice continually.

Implying that by using social media (you know, the thread you started) it makes people less socially capable (like the title of the thread you started).


Or were you being deliberately disingenuous?

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This is probably more to do with your "friends" than anything else, I rarely see posts like that.

Unless it doesn't, because you happen to enjoy seeing your friends have a good time and have plenty yourself.


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 19:08 ----------



It's what you implied. Did you forget what you'd said?



Implying that by using social media (you know, the thread you started) it makes people less socially capable (like the title of the thread you started).


Or were you being deliberately disingenuous?


Actually there was a study into self esteem and facebook use.


---------- Post added 10-03-2015 at 00:00 ----------


You should look it up. Might learn something and be less ignorant.

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I co-ran the biggest social forum in the north of uk for 4 years.

I certainly know and met plenty of introverted types. Hundreds. And read thousands of articles and books on the subject. And my opinion is the only way to improve is to apply. Its not a static skill. It atrophies.


Social skills are not something you can learn properly online. Read and absorb. Yes. But the application in real world is the important bit. Without that youre just an introverted dude with a bunch of theory.


I wonder for someone who co-ran for four years the biggest social forum in the north of uk has such a pessimistic view on social network users?



Social skills are not something you can learn properly online.


I beg to differ, but in your case I will make an exception. That isn't a dig at your social skills btw, but how you apply them.

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I wonder for someone who co-ran for four years the biggest social forum in the north of uk has such a pessimistic view on social network users?





I beg to differ, but in your case I will make an exception. That isn't a dig at your social skills btw, but how you apply them.


The thread is about social media. Not forums.


---------- Post added 10-03-2015 at 00:26 ----------


Thanks for making an exception. Nice to know your here.

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