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Should 11 year olds be taught about rape??

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Oh dear...So it's best not to teach them about the nastiness of rape...let's teach 11 year olds to shoot, kill or disable someone with a firearm instead....:huh:


Makes perfect sense :suspect:


We all have different ideas on what to teach an eleven year old. I don't think our eleven year old grand daughter even knows about the birds and the bees let alone what rape entails. She already knows not to accept lifts from strangers... ever... after leaving school for the day and is to wait to be picked up only by a parent, ourselves or trusted and close friends designated by her parents. It's not necessary at that age to acquaint her with specific details as to what rape, or molestation is. I would say around 14 would be more suitable.


In the meantime I would see no harm in her learning self defence or starting to learn how to use a firearm. She may never need to use self defence nor even own a firearm but if the worst were to happen it could save her life one day and that above all is what matters

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A child of eleven isn't ready for that lesson in human nastiness. Teach them instead never to accept lifts from strangers under any circumstances. Teach them self defence and how to seriously disable an attacker. Teach them how to use a pistol safely and effectively.


Merely talking about rape without supplying the know how on how to defend themselves doesn't make much sense



Well said, but there is an unfortunate lack of guns here.



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You mean like advocating arming 11yr old children on the off-chance a rape may take place? No you haven't, unless you're personally familiar with crazy people.


Oh! hold on......



Nobody is "arming" an eleven year old. :loopy: Teaching them under supervision at a firing range how to use a handgun and how to use it safely is what it's about. My grand daughter may never own a firearm nor want one and that's her choice but if one day in the future she does choose to own one she'll at least know how to handle it instead of getting into one of those dumb shooting accidents that always seem to attract some members on this forum.


This thread makes no sense to me anyway. If an eleven year old doesn't even know about sex to start with what's the use of teaching her about something as unpleasant as rape. That's putting the cart before the horse and is likely to completely confuse someone as that young and as highly impressionable. IMO eleven is too young to get kids into that kind of education. They still sleep with stuffed animals and want trips to Disneyland once a month


Rape rates would drastically decrease if the victims had a means to fight back and cripple or kill the perpetrator and who cares about rapists.


They execute rapists in India which has been in the news lately where several young women have been brutally gang raped. If they had been taught self defence or the use of a firearm they might have been spared a lot of misery

Edited by Harleyman
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Nobody is "arming" an eleven year old. :loopy: Teaching them under supervision at a firing range how to use a handgun and how to use it safely is what it's about. My grand daughter may never own a firearm nor want one and that's her choice but if one day in the future she does choose to own one she'll at least know how to handle it instead of getting into one of those dumb shooting accidents that always seem to attract some members on this forum.


This thread makes no sense to me anyway. If an eleven year old doesn't even know about sex to start with what's the use of teaching her about something as unpleasant as rape. That's putting the cart before the horse and is likely to completely confuse someone as that young and as highly impressionable. IMO eleven is too young to get kids into that kind of education. They still sleep with stuffed animals and want trips to Disneyland once a month


Rape rates would drastically decrease if the victims had a means to fight back and cripple or kill the perpetrator and who cares about rapists.


They execute rapists in India which has been in the news lately where several young women have been brutally gang raped. If they had been taught self defence or the use of a firearm they might have been spared a lot of misery


Because the rape part would be included in a wider teaching about a childs right to be able to say no to a whole range of activities which fall short of rape.


Because proper teaching would instill in girls of her age that they are in charge of their own bodies and their own space and that no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable.It would teach them how to be safe.

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Because the rape part would be included in a wider teaching about a childs right to be able to say no to a whole range of activities which fall short of rape.


Because proper teaching would instill in girls of her age that they are in charge of their own bodies and their own space and that no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable.It would teach them how to be safe.


That's a nice thought, but the reality will be that most will ignore or forget what they are taught and for some booze or drugs will one day cloud their judgment resulting in an allegation of rape and ruined lives.

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