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Should 11 year olds be taught about rape??

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That's a nice thought, but the reality will be that most will ignore or forget what they are taught and for some booze or drugs will one day cloud their judgment resulting in an allegation of rape and ruined lives.


Now, let me guess, when did you last shave? Lucy. :rolleyes:

Edited by ronthenekred
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Because the rape part would be included in a wider teaching about a childs right to be able to say no to a whole range of activities which fall short of rape.


Because proper teaching would instill in girls of her age that they are in charge of their own bodies and their own space and that no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable.It would teach them how to be safe.


And if a rapist has no respect for her rights and starts to get rough what then? Rape isn't the same as sexual harassment


---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 00:32 ----------


To much 'Son of Rambo' me thinks.


Are you stalking me boy? Better not play that game


---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 00:36 ----------


Or more likely be raped before being murdered with their own gun.


That's a supposition. In proper self defence an attacker wouldn't get near enough to grab a gun from her bag. Self defence and use of weapons go together


---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 00:45 ----------


That's a nice thought, but the reality will be that most will ignore or forget what they are taught and for some booze or drugs will one day cloud their judgment resulting in an allegation of rape and ruined lives.


You notice changes when you've been away from somewhere long enough. It was something new for me to see girls of eighteen sloshed to the gills standing outside pubs late at night yelling their heads off, Easy stuff for any scumbag to chat em up and then take em somewhere quiet. It's not a normal, everyday thing of course but teenagers and strong booze are a lethal combination.


What kind of parental guidance did they get? Maybe their parents were part of the binge drinking pub culture themselves.

Edited by Harleyman
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Or more likely be raped before being murdered with their own gun.


Maybe so, there is no accounting for the behaviour of rapists but at least if they had been armed they would have had a chance.


But I guess there are some backward cultures that don't like it when females of any age stand up for themselves against men for any reason.



---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 02:46 ----------


Because proper teaching would instill in girls of her age that they are in charge of their own bodies and their own space and that no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable.It would teach them how to be safe.


They would be even safer that proper teaching empowered them to have both the condidence and ability to blow the head or nuts off their attackers.


But as I have said before that could offend the men from some of these backward countries as they appear to prefer their females to be helpless.



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Maybe so, there is no accounting for the behaviour of rapists but at least if they had been armed they would have had a chance.


But I guess there are some backward cultures that don't like it when females of any age stand up for themselves against men for any reason.




Is this thread still a serious one? Since the mention of guns, I lost track :confused::hihi:

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A number of off topic posts and those slinging abuse and name calling and those posts quoting same have been removed.


The topic educating UK 11 year olds in issues of consent and rape not gun laws. Back on topic please.

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A child of eleven isn't ready for that lesson in human nastiness. Teach them instead never to accept lifts from strangers under any circumstances. Teach them self defence and how to seriously disable an attacker. Teach them how to use a pistol safely and effectively.


Merely talking about rape without supplying the know how on how to defend themselves doesn't make much sense


Most rapes and sexual assaults come from inside the the family, using coercion as opposed to violence. So teaching a 12 year old how to defend themselves would in most cases do nothing to keep them safe.

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Most rapes and sexual assaults come from inside the the family, using coercion as opposed to violence. So teaching a 12 year old how to defend themselves would in most cases do nothing to keep them safe.


Very true. But there have been kidnappings or attempted kidnappings of 12 year old girls on their way home from school. Female college students assaulted on campus late at night. Assaults carried out at student frat beer parties In these kind of instances self defence would definitely help

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