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Annoying telephone calls

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I get on average 3 calls a day from Telemarketers. Good job I'm no longer working and on a night job. I'd never catch up on some decent sleep. I placed my name and phone number on a Do Not Call list which was bloody useless as it didn't stop the calls.


I resort to several methods of souring their day as they manage to disturb mine.


If it's a woman I tell her I'm horny and can she get over to my place ASAP. That gets a very fast hang up


I'll also answer with "I've done what you told me to do but there are bits of body parts everywhere. Can you come over and help me clean up the blood puddles. Also get a very fast hang up


When my grand daughters are present I use something much more polite.

"Hello you have reached the Silly Sausage factory. If you are a silly sausage press 1...bla bla bla. Also gets rid of them.


There ought to be a law against nuisance calls. I always thought a home was the ultimate refuge from any outside intrusion :rant: :rant:

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I have to laugh when I see blocked calls from marketing companies etc on my mobile phone. They keep ringing several times but cannot get through! Just because I have a mobile I choose who should have my number! The landline is another problem. I've stopped answering it now but if I have to I do a similar thing to what harleyman does lol. The TPS is a waste of time too!

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Welcome to the club, everyone gets these. Cameron said he was going to clamp down on these but we all know he won't for obvious reasons


Last week (or the week before) it was announced the fines were increasing and the legal requirement for proof was dropping to make it easier to prosecute.


Previously they needed heaps of evidence to show annoying calls were being made, so barely anyone got done for it.


Still, does nothing to stop George and his Indian chums cold-calling British folk :mad:

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I've had the road accident phone call too.

l said "do you cover traumatic amnesia? Because I have no recollection of a road accident since l was born?"


l hung up. He didn't ring again.


l get a lot of calls asking for the same person who I've never heard of and who has never lived here.

I just say "one moment"...

then l put the phone on the windowsill and let them run their bill up.

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Welcome to the club, everyone gets these. Cameron said he was going to clamp down on these but we all know he won't for obvious reasons


He can't because they call from outside UK using something like Skype VoIP I think it's called.


Worst ones are the calls from "Microsoft" Indian branch about a virus on your computer.

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