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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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Is it ok to assault a work colleague in your leisure time?


I would say not, although I haven't heard anyone use the word assault regarding this incident. It is also a major difference between having a scuffle and downing someone with a right hook. I believe that is what the police and courts are there for.

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David Cameron has backed Jeremy Clarkson as it was claimed the suspended Top Gear host was involved in a “scuffle” with a BBC producer because he was offered a cold meat platter instead of a steak.


Cameron praised Clarkson as a "huge talent" and told BBC Midland today he hoped the situation could be resolved so his children would not be left "heartbroken".


Clarkson is alleged to have punched Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon during what the corporation described in an official statement as a "fracas".

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I'm pretty sure it was said on one of the news programs this morning, that the person he 'allegedly' assaulted, hasn't made a complaint, of any sort, to anyone. So what's the fuss about?....


Well as a pure guess, it may be that no complaint has been made because the man in question is afraid to 'rock the boat' because his position in comparison to the big earner Clarkson is totally unequal, and he wishes to keep his job and be seen as a company man.


If Clarkson threw a punch, whether or not it connected, over something as trivial as not getting a meal on time then he needs sacking, if it connected he needs prosecuting.


All this nonsense about it happens on building sites so it is therefore acceptable to smack someone in any other workplace is arrant nonsense.


I've worked on building sites and also worked in corporate offices, there's a difference.


In the same way that stuff is allowed to happen on a sports field - in full view of thousands or even millions - that would be prosecuted if it happened in the street rightly or wrongly different rules apply.


Somehow I think Jeremy would hesitate before throwing a punch on a building site, men who work in that environment tend not to be intimidated by someone elses position and influence over them.


They tend to hit back and find another job if necessary.


Not so simple for a young producer working in a limited field.

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