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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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I know must of the gobby rightwingers hate the BBC because they think it's a leftist organisation so I don't see what they're all crying about. If Top Gear is as good as they say it'll surely be snapped by another broadcaster. How about the hate channel Channel 5? That'll be right down their street


Quite right, the market will decide! :hihi:

And besides if the BBC is so leftist why did it have Clarkson on? And why don't those who accuse the BBC of being biased against the Tories point out that:

"the power seats have more often than not been occupied by Tories by a factor of more than 2:1. Trust/Governor Chairs and Director General postholders over the last twenty years with a known political history include: Tories: Chris Patten, Michael Grade, Christopher Bland, Marmaduke Hussey; Labour: Michael Lyons.

Crossbenchers after leaving the job include John Birt & Greg Dyke.

The current DG keeps cards close and has no political history. Labour peer Barbara Young was deputy chair of governors for a spell".

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If Clarkson gets the sack, he'll have more time to devote to that non-existent political career of his!


He'll be on the receiving end of such witty comments like being a one-eyed Scottish git and won't be able to retaliate in kind.


Mind you, like "Two Jabs" Prescott, he does seem handy with his fists.

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Why is Top Gear so popular in many many different countries?...............sensible non political views on a postcard please!...............and furthermore,would we be in danger of our license fees going up if not for the popularity of Top Gear?

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I know must of the gobby rightwingers hate the BBC because they think it's a leftist organisation so I don't see what they're all crying about. If Top Gear is as good as they say it'll surely be snapped by another broadcaster. How about the hate channel Channel 5? That'll be right down their street
Are there any "Gobby" left wingers on here?......oh wait.
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He was late for food, because he stayed too long in the boozer, then he threw his teddy out of the pram when he couldn't have what he wanted for din-dins.


From the Telegraph today:


"But a "fracas" erupted when Tymon, 36, told him the kitchen was closed and suggested a platter of cold meats and cheeses instead.

Witnesses at Simonstone Hall Hotel in Hawes, North Yorks, near where the show was filming on location, told The Sun: "The staff knew the BBC crew were arriving late so they organised meat and cheese platters. The chef had already gone home. "Clarkson didn't like the idea. He wanted his own way...


...The host has admitted there was "handbags and pushing" over the incident but denies claims that he punched Mr Tymon.

According to Channel 4, the production team had been scheduled to take a helicopter to the hotel at 8pm but Clarkson kept it waiting for hours while he sat in a pub.

The dinner service was cancelled by kitchen staff because the crew were two hours late."

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Is this even news? What has our country become when a petition is started and attracts 350,000 signatures about a non-event with television presenter?


Absolutely pathetic.

Exactly!...........people get punched by politicians,

sportspeople, and the like from all walks of life everyday!.....why the fuss?

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