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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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Jeez, what a load of whinging whining moaners we have become. Fuelled by the screaming faux outrage created by the daily fail and crybabies writing to points of view.


Not so long ago top stars and personalities used to have massive diva like demands, snort/smoke/swallow every drug under the sun, be stoned whilst on camera/interviews/performing treat their runners and assistants like dirt. Rock stars and great actors adored by hordes of screaming fans would smash up hotel rooms, throw televisions out of windows, expose themselves, shag around in mass orgies, drive cars into swimming pools and throw phones at hotel chambermaids.


Clarkson has an alleged and unproven handbag fight with a producer and the world is OUTRAGED!! The BBC must condemn him immediately. He must never be allowed to work on television again. He must be hounded out of the county and burnt at the stake.


Oh god wont somebody think of the children....


Whaaa... whaa... whaa...


Get a grip world.

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But it didn't make sense. It was because he missed his meal there that he was upset.


OK, I'll spell it out. A celebrity goes back to a hotel long after the kitchen has closed for cooked meals and expects to be served a freshly cooked steak....that isn't available, but he is offered a plateful of charcuterie, at which point he kicks off like a spoilt brat and decks his producer.


It's unreasonable to expect the staff of a country hotel to stay up all night on the offchance that some overblown celeb might just want a cooked meal at 1 a.m. It's unreasonable to throw a tantrum when you are offered an alternative meal - still protein rich, meat based, etc, just not a steak. It's a first world problem because most of the world's population are glad simply to have a meal at all; most never get to eat steak.


He needs to get over himself, seriously.

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Thats the point he is used to high class service.


He's used to staying in country hotels. He knows the score. He didn't have a go at the staff there, it was a co-worker. And now I'm not convinced he did hit the bloke. I may even sign the petition. I wonder if my addition of one to the three quarters of a million will make a difference.


---------- Post added 12-03-2015 at 21:03 ----------


OK, I'll spell it out. A celebrity goes back to a hotel long after the kitchen has closed for cooked meals and expects to be served a freshly cooked steak....that isn't available, but he is offered a plateful of charcuterie, at which point he kicks off like a spoilt brat and decks his producer.


It's unreasonable to expect the staff of a country hotel to stay up all night on the offchance that some overblown celeb might just want a cooked meal at 1 a.m. It's unreasonable to throw a tantrum when you are offered an alternative meal - still protein rich, meat based, etc, just not a steak. It's a first world problem because most of the world's population are glad simply to have a meal at all; most never get to eat steak.


He needs to get over himself, seriously.


Of course I get that - but that is the opposite of what......


oh never mind.. yes, you were right all along. Sorry.:banana::banana:

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---------- Post added 12-03-2015 at 20:12 ----------


....."Privately educated our Jeremy has never wanted for anything and there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever."


Why mention it then?


Because if I hadn't someone would have no doubt tried to make out that I was envious of his background.


The reason I mentioned it was in response to the 'poor Donny lad' comment from mossdog.


mossdog is probably fully aware that Clarkson is from a wealthy background but if not I was pointing it out to clear up any misunderstanding.


What puzzles me is the way things have changed so that someone like Clarkson wants to come across as ' a bit of a lad ' ' one of the boys ' ' streetwise ' instead of accepting he was fortunate, and having some pride in his family's ability to provide him with a first class education.


Tony Blair was the same, " I'm a regular kind of guy " in an estuary accent , no your not, your a duplicitous snake oil salesman.


The difference is illustrated by Margret Thatcher, a grocers daughter from Grantham putting on a cut glass accent trying to appear posh.


It's inverted snobbery and bloody daft if you ask me, who cares where you come from, are you a decent person and are you a contributor or a taker is the main thing.

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OK, I'll spell it out. A celebrity goes back to a hotel long after the kitchen has closed for cooked meals and expects to be served a freshly cooked steak....that isn't available, but he is offered a plateful of charcuterie, at which point he kicks off like a spoilt brat and decks his producer.



Where's the evidence he decked him? Or or you trying to overegg the pudding?

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