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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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This seems to have gathered momentum rather quickly. Approaching 250,000 signatures.



Have you signed the petition?
I wonder how many of these signatories would still sign the petition, if they'd been slapped about at work by a colleague and their employer did not dismiss the offender for gross misconduct :huh:


I guess it kinda shows the intellectual prowess of 250000 Clarkson aficionados :confused:

Edited by L00b
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Top Gear will just go to ITV or SKY or somewhere. The BBC have been embarassed of it for years now, this just gives them the excuse to get rid of it, to be replaced by more "diverse", "multicultural" programme that better exemplifies the BBC's unique ethos.


How much money does the beeb make from it? I don't think they're too embarrassed..it sells to nearly 200 countries..then add in all the merchandise etc.etc.

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I wonder how many of these signatories would still sign the petition, if they'd been slapped about at work by a colleague and their employer did not dismiss the offender for gross misconduct :huh:


I guess it kinda shows the intellectual prowess of Clarkson aficionados :confused:


From a report in the Telegraph


"A source close to Clarkson insisted he was innocent and that "he didn't punch anyone"."


So who knows what the actual truth is...?


---------- Post added 11-03-2015 at 11:12 ----------


ITV this morning quoted £300m

BBC Today quoted £150m


It's a sizeable chunk of cash whichever one it is...

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I'd like to see man hung drawn and quartered, and then have his innards spread across the M1 and used to test traffic volume.


Not really. Just a joke. I didn't mean it. Ha ha ha. Hee hee hee. Or is it a joke? The git. No .. it's a joke. Ohh ohh ohh. Hee hee hee. I've said something rude and insulting, and then hidden it behind a joke. But is it a joke? Yes, it's a joke. Ha ha ha. Hee hee hee.


Are you Stewart Lee in disguise?

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I wonder how many of these signatories would still sign the petition, if they'd been slapped about at work by a colleague and their employer did not dismiss the offender for gross misconduct :huh:


I guess it kinda shows the intellectual prowess of Clarkson aficionados :confused:


Agree with the first paragraph.


I'm a fan of Clarkson, but seriously don't approve of someone who punches another.


However it depends on what he did. If he actually punched him properly in the face, then I don't see how he can continue to work there. If he jokingly tapped the producer and said where's my food? It's something completely different. We all get "Hangry" sometimes.


---------- Post added 11-03-2015 at 11:15 ----------


I think Chris_Sleeps may have been parodying Clarkson, who says things like "people who go on strike should be shot in front of their families" and then tries to pass it off as a joke ... but does he mean it??


I've never seen Top Gear but I did once read one of Clarkson's books. I normally like that "grumpy old man" stuff, but that one was, as they say, about as funny as piles.


My Mrs bought me the books and I found them hilarious. Horses for courses I suppose.

She bought me some pile cream once too - they really aren't funny at all.

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From a report in the Telegraph


"A source close to Clarkson insisted he was innocent and that "he didn't punch anyone"."

Not Clarkson himself, then?

So who knows what the actual truth is...?
Clarkson, the producer in question, any witnesses, and some BBC heads. Not the person who started the petition, unless he/she is one them.

Agree with the first paragraph.
Fixed my post:

I wonder how many of these signatories would still sign the petition, if they'd been slapped about at work by a colleague and their employer did not dismiss the offender for gross misconduct :huh:


I guess it kinda shows the intellectual prowess of 250,000 Clarkson aficionados :confused:

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I don't get it? Please explain.


It's a riff off a Tory election poster that had a large Alex Salmond with a small Miliband in his pocket. Someone did a better one that had a large Nigel Farage with Cameron in his pocket.


Talking of whom, how about this for a new Top Gear line up?

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According to this report he hit a producer because his meal wasn't ready immediately he finished filming.


So the big girls blouse didn't get his dindins on time and felt he had the right to physicaly assault someone.




An arrogant, self obsessed spoilt bully boy who thinks the world revolves around him, and yet some of you find him amusing?


Takes all sorts I suppose.

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