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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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Pretty run of the mill stuff actually


Speaking on BBC Midlands Today, Cameron said: "I don't know exactly what happened. He is a constituent of mine, he is a friend of mine, he is a huge talent. I see that he said he regrets some of what happened. All I would say, because he is a talent and he does amuse and entertain so many people, including my children who'll be heartbroken if Top Gear is taken off air, I hope this can be sorted out because it is a great programme and he is a great talent."


I would imagine that is pretty much what any BBC trustee would be saying.


Yes it is run of the mill I agree. I was just obliging Ron by posting the link he asked about.


If it's anything like any minister that gets into any 'bother' it's the kiss of death having the PM say they support <insert appropriate name>. :hihi:

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I posted Cameron's quote earlier in the thread. It was not an endorsement and fell short of support. He simply said - well you can read for yourself. Mecky was making his usual inane remarks and I needed to pick him up on it.

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I posted Cameron's quote earlier in the thread. It was not an endorsement and fell short of support. He simply said - well you can read for yourself. Mecky was making his usual inane remarks and I needed to pick him up on it.


Oooops....I couldn't be bothered to trawl back 10 pages....


Seeing what Cameron said on the TV this morning, I would have said it was pretty much the kiss of death support for JC.

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Comparing handbags over a chip butty with murder or child rape is like comparing man flue with ebola .


---------- Post added 12-03-2015 at 09:03 ----------



I wasn't comparing them though, was I?


The post was in reply to RonJeremy and aliceBB who commented on the actor involved but appeared a bit unsure of his name and what happened.


The only connection being that the BBC don't have a pure as the driven snow approach to employing dubious people, and as Clarkson's 'offence' pales into insignificance in comparison they may take him back.


On the other hand we live in more PR sensitive times now don't we.

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Clarkeson is a celebrity because he is the way he is amd like he or not both he and his programme are very popular. Those people that bother to tell us they do not like him or his show seem unable to either change chanel or heaven forbid switch off their TVs. There are other people and shows that many other people find equally or even more

unpleasant and do not make as much fuss about.


If! the alleged assault took place then dependent on circumstances sanctions by the BBC or even criminal prosecution may well be in order.


By sacking Clarkeson, deservedly or otherwise, he is of course now available to any of the other chanels or sky etc to make the same programme, perhaps under a different name, without the wet nurse pc BBC restraining him for what will almost cetainly be more money.


If the assault did take place and it was justified, and of course if it did not then I say good luck to the man.


His show entertains and that is the purpose of television, to entertain and provide distraction for the masses.





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So far nobody has managed to explain why - if the allegations of assault are proven - Clarkson should keep his job. If anyone else physically attacked a colleague in a workplace, their contract would be terminated.



Not true..one of my colleagues thumped a co-worker and is still here...in fact both of them are...

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Not true..one of my colleagues thumped a co-worker and is still here...in fact both of them are...

Every building site in England would have remained unfinished at one time .especially when the gaffers thought up the Lump system that system set worker against worker often resulting in confrontation .

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So when you are working on location at what point do you cease to be at work and start to be on your leisure time?


If you were down the pub and had an altercation would you expect your employer to suspend you?

Edited by purdy
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Guest sibon
So when you are working on location at what point do you cease to be at work and start to be on your leisure time?


If you were down the pub and had an altercation would you expect your employer to suspend you?


Is it ok to assault a work colleague in your leisure time?

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