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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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"There's no business like show business"................probably you just don't get it!


Oh I get it alright, as a previous poster said he's playing a part to some degree.


He's locked himself into playing ' rebel without a cause, keep looking at me I'm going to say something controversial which will upset someone , but hey it's only a joke ' , so if they take offence it's their fault because they can't take a joke.


Only problem is, if anything goes wrong with what Jeremy wants he can't see the joke.


Any normal reasonable person would have laughed off the incident and either eaten what was provided or found a restaurant.


But not Clarkson, he goes into an obscene rant and threatens a subordinate with the sack all in earshot of members of the public.


Think he behaves like that when mixing with the Chipping Norton crowd?


Or when he's in the company of the Prime Minister and his social equals do you think he moderates his behaviour?


You know, show a little respect and consideration for the company he's with rather than behave as though he's the only one that matters and he can say and do what he wants?

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If what the 'witness' said was true, it sounds like he'd had a bad day, and some poor fella got the brunt of it. Of course, not condoning his apparent actions, no one should be spoken to like he apparently did. If ofcourse that is how it all went down, he'll soon enough issue his apologies and all will be back to normal.


I think I read from someone on here before that when they were filming the Reliant film in Sheffield he was a nob to everyone involved, I've come to the conclusion, that I like his TV persona, but as a person, he is just.. not that nice.

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It comes to something when elements of the UK society hold up the likes of Clarkson and Farage as some kind of working class heroes, which are both most definitely not and their actions are seen as an acceptable loutish way of getting one over the establishment. They are the establishment, up there in the public eye and should know better. The perception that they can do and say what they want without having to face the music as you and I would is the reason that the old British spirit of playing with a straight bat and justice for all is now considered a universal joke and the reason the UK is becoming more isolated.


People seem to think that speaking your mind is now a green light to insult and personally abuse other people hence the rise of such repulsive characters such as Katy Hopkins and Myleene Klass etc. Telling it as they see it is not an excusable free pass to put down or belittle others; it’s just a more fashionable word for bullying and because the UK public see such public figures acting like that they think it’s acceptable behaviour, which it most certainly isn’t. Some people are even foolish enough to copy their behaviour. All it does is drive away your friends, suppliers and customers and that’s not the way to get a head in the world. Nobody can ever do it all on their own; people will always need other people.


Agree with all of that above.


Why are Clarkson and Farage always praised for appearing to stick two fingers up to the establishment, when they are the establishment?


Nevertheless, both have managed to forge lucrative careers from doing so, shovelling £millions of taxpayers' cash into their gaping maws.

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Oh I get it alright, as a previous poster said he's playing a part to some degree.


He's locked himself into playing ' rebel without a cause, keep looking at me I'm going to say something controversial which will upset someone , but hey it's only a joke ' , so if they take offence it's their fault because they can't take a joke.


Only problem is, if anything goes wrong with what Jeremy wants he can't see the joke.


Any normal reasonable person would have laughed off the incident and either eaten what was provided or found a restaurant.


But not Clarkson, he goes into an obscene rant and threatens a subordinate with the sack all in earshot of members of the public.


Think he behaves like that when mixing with the Chipping Norton crowd?


Or when he's in the company of the Prime Minister and his social equals do you think he moderates his behaviour?


You know, show a little respect and consideration for the company he's with rather than behave as though he's the only one that matters and he can say and do what he wants?


I sort of get what you mean but you have to understand something.


Rightly or wrongly he is top dog. He is THE talent for that production. He is what makes it earn its money.


I have said earlier, when a hotel is happy to take (what I have no doubt will be) extremely high amount of money to allow the BBC's highest earning programmes to hire your entire venue with all the frills and extras you better get prepared to bend over backwards.


Highly paid talent has big egos and demands. Have you seen these programmes showing behind the scenes in luxury hotels. Have you seen what they are expected to provide whenever the VIP clicks their fingers? They just do it. The same will apply to the production staff. That's what they are paid for. If they fail to do so, expect to get shouted at. It would happen in any other business but of course not in such a public way.


The bottom line is this... Now that the rumours of any sort of physical contact are fizzing to nothing, all that seems to have happened is that Clarkson has had a drunken rant at some minion in a public place. That is unacceptable and Clarkson has dobbed himself if with his management.


Many other people do this every day. Diva demands, threats to sack people, ranting and raving. Im not saying that's right but it happens. It happens between lots of bosses/subordinates. It happens between Head Chefs/Pot Washers. Superstars/PAs.


Why it has become this big mountain out of a molehill god knows. Its a BBC internal matter and should have stayed that way. From what I read the said person concerned has not even made any complaint. So what has happened here then. OTHERS getting offended on their behalf perhaps? OTHERS sicking their noses in where they don't belong? OTHERS giving their opinion of what they think happened?

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I sort of get what you mean but you have to understand something.


Rightly or wrongly he is top dog. He is THE talent for that production. He is what makes it earn its money.


I have said earlier, when a hotel is happy to take (what I have no doubt will be) extremely high amount of money to allow the BBC's highest earning programmes to hire your entire venue with all the frills and extras you better get prepared to bend over backwards.


Highly paid talent has big egos and demands. Have you seen these programmes showing behind the scenes in luxury hotels. Have you seen what they are expected to provide whenever the VIP clicks their fingers? They just do it. The same will apply to the production staff. That's what they are paid for. If they fail to do so, expect to get shouted at. It would happen in any other business but of course not in such a public way.


The bottom line is this... Now that the rumours of any sort of physical contact are fizzing to nothing, all that seems to have happened is that Clarkson has had a drunken rant at some minion in a public place. That is unacceptable and Clarkson has dobbed himself if with his management.


Many other people do this every day. Diva demands, threats to sack people, ranting and raving. Im not saying that's right but it happens. It happens between lots of bosses/subordinates. It happens between Head Chefs/Pot Washers. Superstars/PAs.


Why it has become this big mountain out of a molehill god knows. Its a BBC internal matter and should have stayed that way. From what I read the said person concerned has not even made any complaint. So what has happened here then. OTHERS getting offended on their behalf perhaps? OTHERS sicking their noses in where they don't belong? OTHERS giving their opinion of what they think happened?

Snatched from out of my mouth!...........read,learn and inwardly digest would be my advice!
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So Clarkson's the new Diana Ross is he?




He's an idiot who can give it but can't take it.


Didn't he attempt to slap a D notice injunction on the press when he was caught banging one of his female assistants?


Yes, the same press he works for.

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Why it has become this big mountain out of a molehill god knows. Its a BBC internal matter and should have stayed that way. From what I read the said person concerned has not even made any complaint. So what has happened here then. OTHERS getting offended on their behalf perhaps? OTHERS sicking their noses in where they don't belong? OTHERS giving their opinion of what they think happened?


Why has the 'said person' not made a complaint do you think? He's clearly in a relatively powerless position, and any kind of rocking the boat will undoubtedly see him out of a job.


OTHERS, I assume, are objecting to how a person in a position of power and privilege treats someone less fortunate than himself.


Are you suggesting, that because it doesn't directly involve them, they have no right to an opinion on the matter? It's like saying, if you see someone bullying a weaker person, it's none of your business, and you shouldn't involve yourself...

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