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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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I sort of get what you mean but you have to understand something.


Rightly or wrongly he is top dog. He is THE talent for that production. He is what makes it earn its money.


I have said earlier, when a hotel is happy to take (what I have no doubt will be) extremely high amount of money to allow the BBC's highest earning programmes to hire your entire venue with all the frills and extras you better get prepared to bend over backwards.


Highly paid talent has big egos and demands. Have you seen these programmes showing behind the scenes in luxury hotels. Have you seen what they are expected to provide whenever the VIP clicks their fingers? They just do it. The same will apply to the production staff. That's what they are paid for. If they fail to do so, expect to get shouted at. It would happen in any other business but of course not in such a public way.


The bottom line is this... Now that the rumours of any sort of physical contact are fizzing to nothing, all that seems to have happened is that Clarkson has had a drunken rant at some minion in a public place. That is unacceptable and Clarkson has dobbed himself if with his management.


Many other people do this every day. Diva demands, threats to sack people, ranting and raving. Im not saying that's right but it happens. It happens between lots of bosses/subordinates. It happens between Head Chefs/Pot Washers. Superstars/PAs.


Why it has become this big mountain out of a molehill god knows. Its a BBC internal matter and should have stayed that way.


I understand all that and whilst what you say is true I do think it's ridiculous that just because someone is high profile they are allowed to get away with treating others in that manner.


There is no doubt in my mind that Clarkson is very careful who he pulls these stunts with, subordinates and people he's pretty sure his 6'5" gives him the advantage over. In other words he's a bully.


There are other famous people a lot more talented than Clarkson who manage to behave in a reasonable manner.


Of course with him the boorishness is part of the shtick but a lot of us find it tiresome.


By the way any idea why no one is accusing him of being a 'role model' and a 'bad example' to the youth of today? Happens every time a footballer gets into bother.


As to why it's become such a big deal and attracted so much publicity, if I were a cynic I might suspect ratings and publicity for the show played a part. :)

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By the way any idea why no one is accusing him of being a 'role model' and a 'bad example' to the youth of today? Happens every time a footballer gets into bother.


Because the youth of today don't want to be a fat middle aged man with a bad hair cut and even worse dress sense? ;)

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Because the youth of today don't want to be a fat middle aged man with a bad hair cut and even worse dress sense? ;)


But the argument from the pro JC 'brigade' is the leftie PC hippy lentil eating Stalinist's (which includes everyone who's not in the club) are envious of his fame plus fortune, when in reality as May says, he's just a knob,.. with knock knees. :hihi:

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I totally agree but the point I was trying to make is being born in to a privilege life style does not give you a right to treat every body like something you have found on the bottom of your shoe.I was trying to show these people on here that because Clarkson has had a silver spoon in is mouth (it must be some size) it is still possible For people to be born in a even more privilege family and be civil and caring person and not act like a obnoxious a------e.The difference between these two is like chalk and cheese and I know which one I prefer .IT'S THE LEFT WINGER.


Clarkson was born in Doncaster..his mum was a teacher and his dad was a travelling salesman ... where's the silver spoon from?

Edited by truman
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Clarkson was born in Doncaster..his mum was a teacher and his dad was a travelling salesman where's the silver spoon from?


Are you confusing him with Our Tobias? Now his mum was a teacher.


Hmm. . . I think Our Tobias could do Clarkson's job.

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Clarkson was born in Doncaster..his mum was a teacher and his dad was a travelling salesman where's the silver spoon from?


He must have been quite a good traveling salesman.


And of course there was all the money his mother made from designing and manufacturing Paddington bear toys.




Not Buckingham Palace but not a two bedroom terrace with an outside toilet either. :)

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He must have been quite a good traveling salesman.


And of course there was all the money his mother made from designing and manufacturing Paddington bear toys.




Not Buckingham Palace but not a two bedroom terrace with an outside toilet either. :)


They got their cash through working ..that isn't "silver spoon" although I know it's frowned upon on here...

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They got their cash through working ..that isn't "silver spoon" although I know it's frowned upon on here...


Not by me it isn't, I've already made that clear in previous posts.


The operative word is They made their money by working.


Jeremy and any siblings he may have enjoyed the benefits, which does kind of fit the silver spoon definition.


Nothing wrong with that, it is how it should be, but he's not a 'poor lad from Donny'.


Chances are if he was he may have better manners. :)

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