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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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Not by me it isn't, I've already made that clear in previous posts.


The operative word is They made their money by working.


Jeremy and any siblings he may have enjoyed the benefits, which does kind of fit the silver spoon definition.


Nothing wrong with that, it is how it should be, but he's not a 'poor lad from Donny'.


Chances are if he was he may have better manners. :)


Ah well you and I have different ideas of "silver spoon"... If I'd made money through working and used it to help my kids I wouldn't class it as silver spoon..it's what parents are supposed to do..silver spoon to me is where money is just handed down and handed down without anyone working for it..Clarkson works now ( and has done for a long time) so any money he has and uses for his kids isn't silver spoon..just my opinion anyway... :)

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He's a bit over rated to be honest. What does he do but drive fast cars and then pick spots off. The only qualification needed is a full driving licence.


He's a man who doesn't let success go to his clothes. As the great Bob Monkhouse once commented about Frank Skinner...

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He's a bit over rated to be honest. What does he do but drive fast cars and then pick spots off. The only qualification needed is a full driving licence.


He's a man who doesn't let success go to his clothes. As the great Bob Monkhouse once commented about Frank Skinner...


Isn't that like saying Tom Jones is over rated because all he needed was vocal cords? Lewis Hamilton apparently only has a driving license, but that doesn't qualify you to be a F1 driver because you have one too.

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Isn't that like saying Tom Jones is over rated because all he needed was vocal cords? Lewis Hamilton apparently only has a driving license, but that doesn't qualify you to be a F1 driver because you have one too.


No it isn't. JC isn't a formula one driver either, that's very skilful. I'm not saying he doesn't have a wit, but so do many people, they don't get paid millions though.


In all honesty I think this has been blown out of all proportion. They should shake hands, JC should apologise and then just get on with it.. If it turned into a regular bullying type thing then that's different.

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Ah well you and I have different ideas of "silver spoon"... If I'd made money through working and used it to help my kids I wouldn't class it as silver spoon..it's what parents are supposed to do..silver spoon to me is where money is just handed down and handed down without anyone working for it..Clarkson works now ( and has done for a long time) so any money he has and uses for his kids isn't silver spoon..just my opinion anyway... :)


I think the difference is that you appear to be applying the expression only to trust fund types such as Paris Hilton who just live off inherited income and do bugger all.


My definition is a little wider. Virtually everyone I knew when growing up left state school at 15 or 16 and started work.


They then contributed to the home by paying board. From that moment on they bought their own clothes, saved up to buy a car and eventually when they met their partner saved to get a mortgage or pay rent.


Clarkson was fortunate enough to receive a private education paid for by his parents.


He paid them back by being expelled from his second private school Repton for ' drinking smoking and generally making a nuisance of himself '.


I'm beginning to see a pattern emerging here! :).


So whilst in fairness he has worked and made a very nice living for himself he definitely had an advantage over most people.


I have no problem with that, it's the way the cooky crumbles, but the impression given by some that he's a poor boy from the back streets of Donny made good is quite a bit removed form the truth.

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I think the difference is that you appear to be applying the expression only to trust fund types such as Paris Hilton who just live off inherited income and do bugger all.


My definition is a little wider. Virtually everyone I knew when growing up left state school at 15 or 16 and started work.


They then contributed to the home by paying board. From that moment on they bought their own clothes, saved up to buy a car and eventually when they met their partner saved to get a mortgage or pay rent.



Most people I went to school with ( a comp. by the way) went on to do A levels and uni.. then got a job..does that make them silver spooners?

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Clarkson was born in Doncaster..his mum was a teacher and his dad was a travelling salesman ... where's the silver spoon from?


His mother created paddington bear and made mega money.Good luck to her she unlike her bigot son did create something to society and as I lived in the same village as the family up to a couple of years ago can confirm she was a a pleasant type of person unlike this pillock of a son.Perhaps some one forgot to pack his teddy and he had to go to bed without him.

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His mother created paddington bear and made mega money.Good luck to her she unlike her bigot son did create something to society and as I lived in the same village as the family up to a couple of years ago can confirm she was a a pleasant type of person unlike this pillock of a son.Perhaps some one forgot to pack his teddy and he had to go to bed without him.


And there was I thinking he had done pretty well for himself on the back of his own efforts.

Jeremy Clarkson, 54, worth £30million


WORTH: £30 million. He owned a slice of the Top Gear format and was bought out for a reported £13 million by the BBC in 2012. Plus, he earns nearly £1.5 million a year as a Top Gear presenter. Has also released several DVDs and successful books, and writes various newspaper columns.


So what have you achieved?


By the way. Which of his parents was Michael Bond?

Edited by purdy
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And there was I thinking he had done pretty well for himself on the back of his own efforts.

Jeremy Clarkson, 54, worth £30million


WORTH: £30 million. He owned a slice of the Top Gear format and was bought out for a reported £13 million by the BBC in 2012. Plus, he earns nearly £1.5 million a year as a Top Gear presenter. Has also released several DVDs and successful books, and writes various newspaper columns.


So what have you achieved?


I created a successful engineering company from scratch which eventually ended up employing some 100 people.I sold it and put my money into property some eight years ago .I now rent out 12 homes at affordable rents along with some commercial units .I came from a working class background and I will not forget it .AND I am know to some as a leftie and very proud of it .AND YOU?

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And there was I thinking he had done pretty well for himself on the back of his own efforts.

Jeremy Clarkson, 54, worth £30million


WORTH: £30 million. He owned a slice of the Top Gear format and was bought out for a reported £13 million by the BBC in 2012. Plus, he earns nearly £1.5 million a year as a Top Gear presenter. Has also released several DVDs and successful books, and writes various newspaper columns.


So what have you achieved?


By the way. Which of his parents was Michael Bond?


So you're saying that it's ok for him to go around punching people, calling people names, insulting people, stereotyping people, belittling people, being a racist too, just because he has a bit of money?

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