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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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You came across as saying that only people who left school at 16 and went to work weren't silverspooners...


Oh for crying out loud let it go will you?


It's an otiose argument, but should be blindingly obvious to anyone with an iota of commonsense.


Brought up in a background where you never had to worry about money, where all your needs were provided for and where you were given access to private education, private tutoring if necessary, and payed for university education with no ongoing fees around your neck = silver spoon.


English private education is amongst the best in the world, English state education not so much.




Eleventh, meaning that anyone having the good fortune to receive a private education is at a clear advantage.


Factor in the class system and endemic snobbery in the country and the advantage increases.


The size of the spoon may differ but if you have been provided with a clear advantage over others in your generation by wealth not of your own making you qualify to a greater or lesser degree for the description.


If you can't understand that then it's pointless continuing the debate.

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As a counterpoint to the petition people keep reporting, YouGov have done a proper poll.


With 45% saying sack him and 36% saying not, it appears Clarkson isn't as popular as the petition would suggest.


Yougov sample is taken from their website. Which seems to have a left wing bias. It has more left of centre members. Hence why the statistics you read.

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I remember when thousands of people were committed to a struggle for their jobs in Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, and Doncaster. The Sun called them 'The Enemy Within' and used their front page day after day attacking the miners.


But when one Doncaster man assaults a colleague and is sanctioned, The Sun gives him space to write his own article. Just as long as this is a media celebrity.


Celebrity is just another distracting device that neoliberal press agencies use to distract folk while their political and corporate friends dismantle the fabric of society, help themselves to the spoils and impoverish ordinary people.


Wake up!

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Yougov sample is taken from their website. Which seems to have a left wing bias. It has more left of centre members. Hence why the statistics you read.


Ah, the old 'they disagree with me they must have a left wing bias' argument.


If you'd actually looked at the page you'd have seen the link to the the full poll results, with the raw data. The raw data that details the participant's party support and which disproves your claim it has a left wing bias.

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