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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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So you're saying that it's ok for him to go around punching people, calling people names, insulting people, stereotyping people, belittling people, being a racist too, just because he has a bit of money?
Probably like a normal day in your department?
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Guest sibon

Has anybody posted this story from the Telegraph yet?


If the eye-witness claims are true, he's getting sacked and possibly prosecuted. He'll find getting a new job quite tricky too.

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Guest sibon
I think it is all hearsay at the moment but no doubt the BBC will try and cover their backs


I think that the article contains some pretty damning witness evidence.


Then there are the medical records.

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It is a quote from actual witnesses.


Are you sure you're not making that up? Or, do you mean an 'ear-witness' as opposed to an 'eye-witness'?


Oh, no, I see from your post 316, you say 'eye witness'. Are you sure you're not making that up?


Certainly non that support your made up version of events.


I've not made up anything, just reported what I'd read on a variety of online sources.


I made contact with a guy whilst getting on the tram the other day. Does that constitute physical assault in your world?


It could do, it could even constitute murder in my world. What did you do to him?


I've yet to hear from anyone including Clarkson or his aledged victim who claims there was physical assault. Generally folk don't admit to punching someone if they haven't punched someone. I know it's sad for you because you desperately wanted it to have happened.


I'm not sure Piers Morgan was at the hotel, so I fail to see how it contributes to this discussion.


I've yet to hear from anyone including Clarkson or his aledged victim who claims there was physical assault.


Have a read....


Generally folk don't admit to punching someone if they haven't punched someone. I know it's sad for you because you desperately wanted it to have happened.


Yes, I really desperately wanted Clarkson to punch someone. Are you for real?:loopy:


I'm not sure Piers Morgan was at the hotel, so I fail to see how it contributes to this discussion.


You know full well how it contributes to this discussion. It demonstrates that Clarkson has a history of it.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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I think that the article contains some pretty damning witness evidence.


Then there are the medical records.


There have been conflicting story's and unless the witnesses who stated in an earlier report left early - possibly because of the foul language - it's difficult to see how they could have missed out on mentioning the assault.


If the report in the link you provided is true then it's difficult to see how he will survive both retaining his job and probably also winding up with a criminal record.


Shouting and swearing for forty minutes? If that is true and not hyperbole then even given the fact that he was probably drunk that sounds like a mental problem. That behaviour is definitely not normal.


If the man was assaulted and had to be treat for injuries and he has got a solicitor involved then it's going to become a matter of public record.

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Guest sibon
There have been conflicting story's and unless the witnesses who stated in an earlier report left early - possibly because of the foul language - it's difficult to see how they could have missed out on mentioning the assault.


If the report in the link you provided is true then it's difficult to see how he will survive both retaining his job and probably also winding up with a criminal record.


Shouting and swearing for forty minutes? If that is true and not hyperbole then even given the fact that he was probably drunk that sounds like a mental problem. That behaviour is definitely not normal.


If the man was assaulted and had to be treat for injuries and he has got a solicitor involved then it's going to become a matter of public record.


That's pretty much how I see it. Of course, we don't know whether the witness statements can be corroborated.


I was interested in the article because it is from the Telegraph, who have previously employed him.

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