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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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He became a parody of himself 20 years ago. Time he was put out to pasture, or of his misery, or something. People who think he is funny will look back in another 20 years and wonder why, whilst the rest of us will wonder what took you so long.


I doubt it, in 20yrs they'll still be watching re-runs in poorly fit denims still trying to understand what Stuart Lee was all about - "bit too high brow" they chant in unison. There's always the simplicity of Little n Large or the malevolence of Bernard Manning I spose.

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You will see a breakdown of why Clarkson, overweight and disgustingly ugly dinosaur that he is, is liked by a certain demographic


Just like the school ground bully, who pokes fun at the weak and the vulnerable, he holds office with the empty-headed and easily led :nod:


As I was not there I am not in a position to judge Clarkeson for his actions in the alleged incident, I guess we can all be grateful that you were a witness to it all.


I would like to award you 8 out of ten for hypocracy. You called Clarkeson overweight and a disgustingly ugly dinosaur then YOU called HIM a bully.


If you can't see what you did there you might forgive us all for asking ...who is empty-headed?



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Oh it has become very important to you. So important I bet you stopped in on Paddy's night instead of going on the razz.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 00:32 ----------





You really have no grasp on reality do? :hihi:


At post 475 mossdog pointed out that he posted the ' poor lad from Donny ' as a tongue in cheek remark not meaning for anyone to take it seriously.


At post 478 I pointed out that in my initial reply I said ' I assume you are trying to be humorous with the 'poor lad from Donny' remark? '


No one with a ha' porth of sense believes Clarkson came from a poor background.


Obviously that doesn't apply to you or truman who despite all the evidence to the contrary have kept waffling on about how Bughwallis is a pit village and poor old Jeremy used to cadge a lift on the carriers cart with his arse hanging out of his trousers to beg for scraps on the mean streets of Donny before going to the poor house for a bowl of gruel. :hihi: :hihi:


And for your information I don't celebrate St Patricks day.

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Couple of points, If you're referring to me, I'm not a lefty as I regard communists as deranged and unions as a large part of the reason the countries in a mess.


Neither am I right wing as I regard them as a bunch of mainly bigoted tossers.


Secondly, humour does not translate well on a forum especially if you don't provide a clue such as a smiley, you didn't and have obviously forgotten my reply.


---------- Post added 17-03-2015 at 22:08 ----------



Note the 'attempting to be humorous'


Not a particularly good attempt either. :)

OK if the right are mainly tossers and the left are completely tossed off.................I claim my prize!........are you Nick Clegg?
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You really have no grasp on reality do? :hihi:


At post 475 mossdog pointed out that he posted the ' poor lad from Donny ' as a tongue in cheek remark not meaning for anyone to take it seriously.


At post 478 I pointed out that in my initial reply I said ' I assume you are trying to be humorous with the 'poor lad from Donny' remark? '


No one with a ha' porth of sense believes Clarkson came from a poor background.


Obviously that doesn't apply to you or truman who despite all the evidence to the contrary have kept waffling on about how Bughwallis is a pit village and poor old Jeremy used to cadge a lift on the carriers cart with his arse hanging out of his trousers to beg for scraps on the mean streets of Donny before going to the poor house for a bowl of gruel. :hihi: :hihi:


And for your information I don't celebrate St Patricks day.


I doubt you celebrate anything.


By the way I don't think anyone claimed anything except that when Clarkson was a kid Burghwallis was surrounded by 4 deep mine coal pits and the landscape was dominated by slag heaps.

Edited by purdy
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I doubt you celebrate anything.


By the way I don't think anyone claimed anything except that when Clarkson was a kid Burghwallis was surrounded by 4 deep mine coal pits and the landscape was dominated by slag heaps.


Really? Because that's not the impression that you and truman have been giving.


You could have simply said ' Well yes Clarkson did have a comfortable background and a private education but not everyone in the village was as lucky '.


Instead of which, you went to some length to prove that a village which contains a large number of very expensive houses, is described as ' 'picturesque and sort after' has been designated a conservation area and has 6 listed structures is some sort of hell hole.


Did you look at the place on Google Earth? It's miles from anywhere and surrounded by countryside and woodland.


There you go again, trying to analyse someone off a forum. :rolleyes:


As it happens I enjoy a party and a laugh as much as anyone - going to one on Sunday - I just don't like organised 'fun', preferring the company of family and friends.


You should try it, if you have any.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 10:37 ----------


OK if the right are mainly tossers and the left are completely tossed off.................I claim my prize!........are you Nick Clegg?


No, although I do feel a bit sorry for the bloke. :)


It's simply that I find it strange for someone to claim adherence to certain policies no matter whether they are left wing, right wing or liberal.


None of the parties espousing those views has the answer.


Unfortunately things are seldom black and white. It would all be so much simpler if they were.


Keeping an open mind and looking at things as objectively as possible seems the best course of action in my view.


For instance, I believe that the Welfare State the NHS and the BBC are all institutions that this country can be enormously proud of.


I also think all three of them are in drastic need of reform.


If the originators of those institutions could see them now they'd be appalled.


I believe in the nationalisation of essential industries such as Power supply, rail transport NHS and virtually nothing else.


Other than that the government should keep their noses out of business as much as possible, lets face it how many of them have ever had a proper job?

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Instead of which, you went to some length to prove that a village which contains a large number of very expensive houses, is described as ' 'picturesque and sort after' has been designated a conservation area and has 6 listed structures is some sort of hell hole.


Did you look at the place on Google Earth? It's miles from anywhere and surrounded by countryside and woodland.



Actually Jeremy moved out of his parents home nigh on 40 years ago when it was in the middle of a working coalfiend with slag heaps all around and 4 working pits within 5 miles. Perhaps you need Google maps from 1970 if you want to know what the place looked like. There's not much point in looking at a current picture and imagining Robin Hood bought his shopping at the Tesco supermarket that is there now.




I've just looked on google earth at Meadowhall. I can't see all those steelworks or factory chimneys that folk talk of 50 years ago.

Edited by purdy
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You really have no grasp on reality do? :hihi:


At post 475 mossdog pointed out that he posted the ' poor lad from Donny ' as a tongue in cheek remark not meaning for anyone to take it seriously.


At post 478 I pointed out that in my initial reply I said ' I assume you are trying to be humorous with the 'poor lad from Donny' remark? '


No one with a ha' porth of sense believes Clarkson came from a poor background.


Obviously that doesn't apply to you or truman who despite all the evidence to the contrary have kept waffling on about how Bughwallis is a pit village and poor old Jeremy used to cadge a lift on the carriers cart with his arse hanging out of his trousers to beg for scraps on the mean streets of Donny before going to the poor house for a bowl of gruel. :hihi: :hihi:


And for your information I don't celebrate St Patricks day.


Where have I said that it was a pit village?

All I've said is that I didn't consider Clarkson to be one of the silver spoon brigade..his parents worked for what they got and,like it or not,so has Clarkson..


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 13:20 ----------


Are there really? and how many of them look like this?




---------- Post added 17-03-2015 at 15:47 ----------



No it wasn't Burghwallis is a designated conservation village. You should try doing a little research before putting your oar in.




Anyone living in the village that had any connection to a pit would have been the pit owner or manager.


How many other pit villages got a mention in the Doomsday book? :roll:


Does it matter what a house looks like?..? You were talking about the value of it now..what relation does that bear to what it was worth 40+ years ago? Lots of pit villages are in the Domesday Book..Maltby for one..

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