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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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You really are amusing, :hihi:


All I have to cling on to? Brilliant!


I was around in the 1950s and I can assure you that no one that I knew or my parents knew owned a house like the one owned by the Clarksons other than someones boss.


Burghwallis was part of the Burghwallis estate owned by Major Anne of Burghwallis Hall.


Burghwallis is, and has been a very well preserved unspoilt and desirable place to live for many years.




No mention of pits. Pages 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are significant.


Game set and match. :)



You said it all. It was part of a fuedal estate. It isn't anymore. It is now a conservation area. It wasn't before. It is smack bang in the middle of South Yorkshire Coalfield. It was littered with collieries. Bentley Colliery, ASkern Colliery, Bullcroft Colliery, Brodsworth Colliery. They aren't there any more.


So there is a nice house there now. Big deal. Everyone renovates their house.


So all you are saying is the house where Jeremy Clarkson grw up is now a nice modern house in an area where the coal mines have closed dowm. But you know nothing of the house as it was 50 years ago. Do you even know what you are trying very unsuccesfully to prove.

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You said it all. It was part of a fuedal estate. It isn't anymore. It is now a conservation area. It wasn't before. It is smack bang in the middle of South Yorkshire Coalfield. It was littered with collieries. Bentley Colliery, ASkern Colliery, Bullcroft Colliery, Brodsworth Colliery. They aren't there any more.


So there is a nice house there now. Big deal. Everyone renovates their house.


So all you are saying is the house where Jeremy Clarkson grw up is now a nice modern house in an area where the coal mines have closed dowm. But you know nothing of the house as it was 50 years ago. Do you even know what you are trying very unsuccesfully to prove.


You are either in total denial and need to see someone about your problem, or you didn't bother to read the link and the pages I mentioned.


Page 5 mentions rural settlement. limestone construction, six listed structures and concludes ' The special interest of the conservation area is connected to the historic character of a small limestone village connected with an ancient settlement associated with a manorial estate and church'.


Page 6 ' it is situated amongst mixed farmland and woodland.'


Page 8 ' Very little in the way of residential development took place in Burghwallis during the 19th and early Twentieth centuries compared with other settlements in the area. Today the village is one of a handful in the area to have retained much of it's original character and small-scale rural feel.


Either give it up or provide pictures of pit heads and slagheaps adjacent to Jeremy's front door.


You appear to be under the impression that the entire area of that part of South Yorkshire was devastated and unfit for human occupation, it wasn't, farmland remained and farming continued.


I await your provision of pictures showing slagheaps towering above the village.

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You are either in total denial and need to see someone about your problem, or you didn't bother to read the link and the pages I mentioned.


Page 5 mentions rural settlement. limestone construction, six listed structures and concludes ' The special interest of the conservation area is connected to the historic character of a small limestone village connected with an ancient settlement associated with a manorial estate and church'.


Page 6 ' it is situated amongst mixed farmland and woodland.'


Page 8 ' Very little in the way of residential development took place in Burghwallis during the 19th and early Twentieth centuries compared with other settlements in the area. Today the village is one of a handful in the area to have retained much of it's original character and small-scale rural feel.


Either give it up or provide pictures of pit heads and slagheaps adjacent to Jeremy's front door.


You appear to be under the impression that the entire area of that part of South Yorkshire was devastated and unfit for human occupation, it wasn't, farmland remained and farming continued.


I await your provision of pictures showing slagheaps towering above the village.

So what is the real point you are trying to tell us about Jeremy Clarkson after all that?.........there seems to be a worm trying to burrow into your brain somewhere!
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So what is the real point you are trying to tell us about Jeremy Clarkson after all that?.........there seems to be a worm trying to burrow into your brain somewhere!


Very simple, you posted ' poor lad from Donny ' I replied that I assumed that you were attempting to be humorous with that comment.


However, I have heard the comment about him being a Donny lad on a few occasions in the newspapers, the inference being ' hasn't he done well, getting to Chipping Norton from a hellhole like that.'


So, just in case someone wasn't aware I posted that in fact he came from a reasonably wealthy background - in comparison to the majority of us - and received the benefit of a private education.


As such he qualifies in my view for the 'silver spoon' description. I also made it clear that I had no problem with that, just pointing it out.


For some reason that I'm not clear about truman and Purdy decided to make it their mission in life to prove that in fact our Jeremy came from a bog standard working class family and had clawed his way to riches by dint of the sweat of his own brow.


I accept he has worked for it and good luck to him, he's a talented writer.


But he had a 'leg up' a start in life not available to most. The two obsessives won't have it, Burghwallis was a dungheap and everyone lived in large detached houses around that neck of the devastated woods.


I enjoy a bit of a row and so here we are.


Hope that has cleared it up for you. :)

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For some reason that I'm not clear about truman and Purdy decided to make it their mission in life to prove that in fact our Jeremy came from a bog standard working class family and had clawed his way to riches by dint of the sweat of his own brow.



You really are over-egging the pudding...his father was a salesman and his mother was a teacher... like thousands of other people I imagine..

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You really are over-egging the pudding...his father was a salesman and his mother was a teacher... like thousands of other people I imagine..


This is from Wiki.


Clarkson was born in Doncaster to travelling salesman Edward Grenville Clarkson and teacher Shirley Gabrielle Ward. His parents, who ran a business selling tea cosies, put their son's name down in advance for private school with no idea how they were going to pay the fees, until at the last moment, when he was 13, they made two Paddington Bear stuffed toys for each of their children. These proved so popular that they started selling them through the business with sufficient success to be able to pay the fees for Clarkson to attend Hill House School, Doncaster and later Repton School. By his own account, he was expelled from Repton School for "drinking, smoking and generally making a nuisance of himself."

Edited by Berberis
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This is from Wiki.


Clarkson was born in Doncaster to travelling salesman Edward Grenville Clarkson and teacher Shirley Gabrielle Ward. His parents, who ran a business selling tea cosies, put their son's name down in advance for private school with no idea how they were going to pay the fees, until at the last moment, when he was 13, they made two Paddington Bear stuffed toys for each of their children. These proved so popular that they started selling them through the business with sufficient success to be able to pay the fees for Clarkson to attend Hill House School, Doncaster and later Repton School. By his own account, he was expelled from Repton School for "drinking, smoking and generally making a nuisance of himself."


Well that's it - definitely silver spoon - born to the idle rich. A teacher is paid a fortune with little effort and very very generous holidays. Travelling salesman - driving around reaping in cash with very little effort or determination. :roll:


If he was expelled from repton, then his "life advantage" was hardly capitalised on. He has made a success of his life through his own hard work, intelligence and effort


---------- Post added 19-03-2015 at 10:43 ----------



Very funny photo - who hasn't got a dodgy photo from their yoof?

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Very simple, you posted ' poor lad from Donny ' I replied that I assumed that you were attempting to be humorous with that comment.


However, I have heard the comment about him being a Donny lad on a few occasions in the newspapers, the inference being ' hasn't he done well, getting to Chipping Norton from a hellhole like that.'


So, just in case someone wasn't aware I posted that in fact he came from a reasonably wealthy background - in comparison to the majority of us - and received the benefit of a private education.


As such he qualifies in my view for the 'silver spoon' description. I also made it clear that I had no problem with that, just pointing it out.


For some reason that I'm not clear about truman and Purdy decided to make it their mission in life to prove that in fact our Jeremy came from a bog standard working class family and had clawed his way to riches by dint of the sweat of his own brow.


I accept he has worked for it and good luck to him, he's a talented writer.


But he had a 'leg up' a start in life not available to most. The two obsessives won't have it, Burghwallis was a dungheap and everyone lived in large detached houses around that neck of the devastated woods.


I enjoy a bit of a row and so here we are.


Hope that has cleared it up for you. :)


How much was the mortgage on this house?


---------- Post added 19-03-2015 at 10:47 ----------


Well that's it - definitely silver spoon - born to the idle rich. A teacher is paid a fortune with little effort and very very generous holidays. Travelling salesman - driving around reaping in cash with very little effort or determination. :roll:


If he was expelled from repton, then his "life advantage" was hardly capitalised on. He has made a success of his life through his own hard work, intelligence and effort



The fees at Hill House School are currently £4500. To put that in context it is half the cost that folk pay to go to university.

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How much was the mortgage on this house?


---------- Post added 19-03-2015 at 10:47 ----------



The fees at Hill House School are currently £4500. To put that in context it is half the cost that folk pay to go to university.


You tell me how much the mortgage was, I neither know nor care.


We are not talking about his parents, you don't seem to be able to get that simple point into your head.


Jeremy Clarkson had a far more comfortable and better off upbringing than anyone that I knew in my own youth.


Now, answer this question, do any of the definitions in this link apply to young Jeremy?




In comparison with most other people of his generation he was better off, and was therefore able to enjoy benefits not available to most other children of his age.


To keep on rabbiting on trying to prove that he came from a bog standard semi deprived background as you are doing makes you look daft.


Clarkson, through no effort on his own part was provided with opportunities by his parents which have continued to benefit him in later life.


As I keep saying, there is nothing wrong in that, I have several family members who were/are privately educated.


Good for them, and none of them try to dismiss the part that their parents played in their good fortune.



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