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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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If you call a negative response being threatened to have a furnace switched on while you English barstards are still inside then you are correct.

In fact the response was immediate due to one of our barstards introducing the Arbourthorne kiss to the I.R.A big time perpetrator.


I have outlined this story in the Sheffields famous bricklayers thread.


By the way our man lived on the Arbourthorne.


With regard to the threat, then that was disgustingly out of order, as to the 'IRA big time perpetrator' that is BS of the highest order, first of all anyone claiming to be in the IRA to a bunch of English brickies is the same type as those no marks who tell you they were in the SAS, delusional.


I have personally met both IRA men and SAS men, the thing being that it was other people who told me their past records.


I worked in electronic security and one of the companies I worked for originated in Northern Ireland and was started by a Catholic Irishman called O' Connor who had no political leanings whatsoever.


We employed an ex SAS man who I had a number of meetings with regarding MOD security projects. I knew he was ex army when I met him but was told later by the MD that he was special forces.


In subsequent meetings I never asked him about it and he never brought it up.


The real IRA tend to be the same, wannabees talk a lot and run a mile when challenged.


If you believe that some brickie off Arbourthorne nutted an IRA man and lived to tell the tale you are seriously deluded. :)

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With regard to the threat, then that was disgustingly out of order, as to the 'IRA big time perpetrator' that is BS of the highest order, first of all anyone claiming to be in the IRA to a bunch of English brickies is the same type as those no marks who tell you they were in the SAS, delusional.


I have personally met both IRA men and SAS men, the thing being that it was other people who told me their past records.


I worked in electronic security and one of the companies I worked for originated in Northern Ireland and was started by a Catholic Irishman called O' Connor who had no political leanings whatsoever.


We employed an ex SAS man who I had a number of meetings with regarding MOD security projects. I knew he was ex army when I met him but was told later by the MD that he was special forces.


In subsequent meetings I never asked him about it and he never brought it up.


The real IRA tend to be the same, wannabees talk a lot and run a mile when challenged.


If you believe that some brickie off Arbourthorne nutted an IRA man and lived to tell the tale you are seriously deluded. :)


Well, todays news that the brave I.R.A mob were into child sexual abuse and that their brave leaders moved them to ENGLAND [ of all places] so as to escape the consequences makes our Arbourthorne lad look like John Wayne.

The I.R.A where cowards who blew up children. Pregnant women and people out shopping in town centres they also shot and killed their own people who they suspected of being informers [without proof ] they were [are ]cowards who would not be able to clean the boots of our Arbourthorne man who shut them up single handed without hiding behind the lads.

I have never met the S.A.S [ as you have] but have been let to understand that they do not divulge their association, so who knows maybe the bloke in the joke shop. eh!

By the way Pete Parkin of the Arbourthorne nutted the I.R.A ****e bag and shut him up .

Edited by cuttsie
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Well todays news that the brave I.R.A mob were into child sexual abuse and that thier brave leaders moved them to ENGLAND [ of all places] so as to escape he consequences makes our Arbourthorne lad look like John Wayne.

The I.R.A where cowards who blew up children. pregnant women and people out shopping in town centres they also shot and killed their own people who they suspected of being informers [without proof ] they were [are ]cowards who would not be able to clean the boots of our Arbourthorne man who shut them up single handed without hiding behind the lads.


Simple straight forward question, to which you know the answer cuttsie, which organization has been responsible for the deaths of most innocent women and children, including pregnant women and elderly infirm civilians, the IRA or the RAF?


Are you a hero if you drop bombs from 25,000 feet but a coward if you carry a device which may be unstable into an area guarded by troops who would love to kill you given the chance?


Or does it only count when others are doing it?


Is it acceptable for the British to kill innocents anywhere they wish in the world, but unacceptable for anyone else to kill in order to free their own country from foreign occupation?


As for the sexual stuff you really don't want to go there, haven't you heard? they're all at it, including the British Army.



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Simple straight forward question, to which you know the answer cuttsie, which organization has been responsible for the deaths of most innocent women and children, including pregnant women and elderly infirm civilians, the IRA or the RAF?


Are you a hero if you drop bombs from 25,000 feet but a coward if you carry a device which may be unstable into an area guarded by troops who would love to kill you given the chance?


Or does it only count when others are doing it?


Is it acceptable for the British to kill innocents anywhere they wish in the world, but unacceptable for anyone else to kill in order to free their own country from foreign occupation?


As for the sexual stuff you really don't want to go there, haven't you heard? they're all at it, including the British Army.



Cuttsie out:(

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This is getting a L-I-T-T-L-E bit off topic.


How did we get from a TV presenter with a bit of a gob on him, to violent terrorist thugs?


Agreed, and I confess my part in the digression, what do you think of my suggestion of John Inverdale as a natural replacement?


One complete ******** for another.


---------- Post added 10-03-2015 at 23:14 ----------


Cuttsie out:(


No insult meant mate, its just that as an Anglo-Irishman it seriously pees me off when people seemingly can't appreciate the full picture.


My experience over 68 years in going to and living in Ireland has been brilliant.


I love Clare as much as I love Sheffield and have always been treated kindly in Ireland.


It upsets me that you have not had the same experience but I can assure you that in my experience the English are respected and liked in the Republic more than they tend to be elsewhere.


Unless of course it's just that I'm so charming and wonderful that it's just me! :)


No, on reflection, maybe not. :(

Edited by mjw47
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Agreed, and I confess my part in the digression, what do you think of my suggestion of John Inverdale as a natural replacement?


One complete ******** for another.


I seem to remember JC lamping that mirror journalist knob whose name I cant quite call to mind - I didn't approve of that, but he was such a to __ er I let it go, and continued to find JC funny, self effacing and someone who writes clever stuff. This time, if he's thumped a fellow worker, then I'm not going to defend him. His harmless, idiotic comments are fine, but violence is very rarely the answer and people who are violent are unpleasant to be around and not funny.


Inverdale never has been funny, so not interested in him. The chemistry on TG has worked for a few years now, shame if it stops.

Edited by RonJeremy
Removed off-topic drivel
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I seem to remember JC lamping that mirror journalist knob whose name I cant quite call to mind - I didn't approve of that, but he was such a to __ er I let it go, and continued to find JC funny, self effacing and someone who writes clever stuff. This time, if he's thumped a fellow worker, then I'm not going to defend him. His harmless, idiotic comments are fine, but violence is very rarely the answer and people who are violent are unpleasant to be around and not funny.


Inverdale never has been funny, so not interested in him. The chemistry on TG has worked for a few years now, shame if it stops.


Piers Morgan was the man.


Now in fairness, he's not my idea of someone to have a pint and a laugh with, but then neither is Clarkson.


Jeremy comes across to me as the type that my father used to describe as ' a big girls blouse ' and it seems to me that he's a bit of a coward who likes to get physical when he thinks he can win.


Clarkson is 6'5" Morgan is 6' so Jeremy decided it was OK to throw a punch.


My wife and I are very fond of Crete, been there five times and always enjoyed it.


Clarkson hates the Greeks, and has written several disparaging articles about them ( decent writer in all fairness ) turns out he has a reason to dislike them.


Many years ago on holiday in Crete he got into an argument with a small Cretan and they wound up having a scrap, the little Cretan beat the crap out of him. :hihi:


My love of Crete increased upon learning this.


If Clarkson got physical in this latest incident you can bet it was against some Tristram style BBC employee that he felt confident in being able to handle.


Should he ever come up against a brickie from Arbourthorne you can bet he'll be politeness itself. :D


I agree with you,whilst violence may have it's place, it's the very last resort of any reasonable person, and normally only in a self defence situation.


Clarkson seems to resort to it whenever he's annoyed and up against someone he thinks he has a physical advantage over.

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